Project Superman 4b

And of course, she swears that she won’t let them hurt me, and of course like an idiot I drink the glass of “Vodka“. I am out within seconds. When I wake up I am in a hotel room. I am sitting in a chair and it is very difficult to keep my eyes open, but I can make out several dark figures in various spots around the room. I couldn’t keep my eyes open but I could hear. […] Read More

Project Superman 4a

Ever since I had gotten my driver’s license I used to like to unwind a little before going home. So I would ride around the area and play music in my car. A few days after the trial while riding around a bronco type vehicle is flashing their headlights at me from behind, so I pull over. This happened on West Saddle River Road, and I pulled into a small parking lot right next to the red building where […] Read More