Project Superman 6c

They began working me over. I know I had to be drugged because the punches for some reason didn’t hurt. They always wore gloves or hit me with a rubber hose as not to leave any marks. And the more they hit me the more it didn’t hurt. There was also a metal cart next to me with all kinds of surgical instruments on it. There were all kinds of syringes there as well. This is also why I […] Read More

Project Superman 6b

You feel your foot touch the ground as gently as stepping onto a pillow. To your left is a blue neon door. Walk to it and turn the handle. As you open the door you see a huge magnificent room blue neon room. This is your room. Your “special place.” The center of your mind and the center of the universe. When you are in this room you can do ANYTHING and NOTHING can ever harm you. The room […] Read More

Project Superman 6a

As I’m about to leave, I reach for the desk drawer. I yank open the drawer, and the only thing in it is a thin brass metal plate. I flip it over and it says “101“. My heart stops, I instantly start to sweat. All of a sudden I AM VERY SCARED. I drop the plate, slam the drawer closed, close the door and get the hell out of there. Looking back and trying to piece this all together […] Read More