The Dulce Papers – Chapter 21c – PROBING DEEPER INTO THE DULCE ‘ENIGMA’

In 1979 the intense pressure that was brought upon Thomas in his job finally made him break the code of silence. He told his best friend, by a hand passed note, that he was working in a sub-surface, huge installation outside of Dulce, New Mexico. He told his friend that he was working side by side with Gray aliens that consider themselves native Terrans and that the upside-down black triangle with the inverted gold-colored T inside it was the […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 21b – PROBING DEEPER INTO THE DULCE ‘ENIGMA’

“…the subjects being used for genetic experiments were hopelessly insane and the research is for medical and humane purposes.” Beyond that, all questions were to be asked on a need to know basis. The briefing ended with severe threats of punishment for being caught talking to any of the ‘insane‘ or engaging in conversations with others not directly involved with one’s current task. Venturing outside the boundaries of one’s own work area without reason was also forbidden and, most […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 21a – PROBING DEEPER INTO THE DULCE ‘ENIGMA’

The following information on subsurface anomalies and the Dulce base was compiled by researcher and explorer John Rhodes: Legends from different parts of the globe all tell of an underworld inhabited by mystical beings of varied forms. I believe that the reptilian [race] still resides to this day underground. Hidden away in the dark crevices of the Earth and in the depths of the oceans. The evidence supporting this proclamation is also available through recent reports and historical documentation… […] Read More