The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30n – REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

1988 — Word comes from New Mexico to researchers that Los Alamos has developed an antimatter weapon, which allegedly will be used as a last resort “if the Greys cannot be pried away from the planet“. The number of Greys on [inside] Earth is estimated at 20 million. In December, Steven White [President of Bechtel Investments] dies. Bechtel has been heavily involved in underground construction and is the world’s largest construction firm. Information comes forth that the intelligence agencies […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30l – REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

In a walk-in situation, the alien consciousness could be ‘used to‘ a biological matrix that provided three fingers on each hand, for instance. Having an organic body with five fingers could mean that there would be two fingers on each hand that would not be used normally, if at all. This idea was once expressed in the ‘INVADERS‘ series on television, which was pulled off the air prematurely (I would suggest that aside from INVADERS… THE OUTER LIMITS and […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30m – REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

1934 — The first ‘deal’ or interaction with the Grey entities occurred on July 11, 1934, on board a naval ship in Balboa. It was here that the agreement was initially made [between aliens and representatives of the ‘Bavarian’ Illuminati operating within U.S. Intelligence ‘fraternities’] that let the greys proceed unhindered with the abductions and cattle mutilations. 1950 — In December of 1950, a unit called IPU, “Interplanetary Phenomena Unit“, was established. It was an operational unit to deal […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30k – REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

Through recorded history, there are also references to humanoids dressed in black. Their presence would signal an almost immediate outbreak of the plague. In 1559 men dressed in black were seen spraying an oat field just before an outbreak of the plague in Brandenburg, Germany. (Interjection: One source, Steven Gibbs, claims that some of the ‘Men In Black‘ are human agents under the control of the Greys who have the ability to travel through time-space. Also, sources who were […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30i – REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

Biogenetic research gained at Los Alamos, New Mexico was funded under the cloak of secrecy. It was combined with alien technology in the genetic sciences to produce expendable biological entities for use as the makers see fit. Cloning of humanoids is part of the natural progress of scientific development along with the “service to self” lines; that it is going on there is absolutely no doubt. There is also no doubt that political figures in governments have been cloned […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30j – REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

An engineer from Lockheed hinted at developments when he said that ‘they have things on the Nevada Test Site that would make George Lucas drool.’ All advanced air vehicles are manufactured in coordination with General Electric, Boeing, Lockheed, McDonell Douglas, Northrop and other corporate military-industrial complexes in the underground ‘skunkworks‘, such as those in the Tehachapi Mountains in California and other less publicized sites… Several years ago, a fellow researcher was acquainted with a former Air Force warrant officer […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30h – REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

The Greys seem to spend more time being afraid of humans than disliking them. They prefer to subdue humans and take what they want from them in the form of biological products or energy frequencies (Note: They are energy vampires, ever siphoning-off the VITAL energies of their victims in order to feed or energize themselves. – Branton). …The Greys have the ability to extract knowledge and sensory information from the brain of the human and make use of that […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30g – REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

We ‘abductees‘ are the human sacrifice of our times. This would probably be acceptable to the vast majority of us if we could believe that it was for the good of the whole… Our blood has bought you nothing [like medical, technological and other scientific advancements] and it has not saved you or your children from the aliens. It has served only to line the pockets of the select few in the central power group, be they government, financial, […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30f – REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

In October of 1989, we heard reports that the aliens are training the abductees on weapons and in aircraft, in order to have those abductees actually fight an enemy of the Greys (while in a ‘programmed’ altered state of conscious, possibly via an induced alternate personality which is connected to the alien collective or hive via psionic implants – Branton) — possibly the Blonds, sometime in the near future. We do have abductee testimony that indicates such training but […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30e – REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

In the Draco system, there are other types of entities that have visited the Earth in the past. These entities were described by John Keel in his book THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES, released in the 1970s. The Draco is about 8 feet tall and have winged appendages coming out of their shoulders, dark scaly skin, and have glowing red eyes. They have the ability to fly and usually operate at night. These entities, as well as the elite of the […] Read More