The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30d – REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

The Greys were ultimately behind the [Bavarian Gnostic] THULE Group in Germany during the war, and no doubt were ultimately behind German policy of internment and termination of the Jews during the war. Think of the emotion that was generated in the concentration camps! (Note: Reptiloids and Grays ‘feed‘ off of negative emotions like fear via a type of osmosis. Joint-Operational underground bases maintained by the Reptiloids/Greys reportedly exist beneath Germany as they do beneath the U.S.. – Branton) […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30c – REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

[Include] colonization of unprotected civilizations that are unaligned with any other group in space. They use planets for supply depots, slave sources, and biological materials. The exercise of domination and the enslavement of planetary populations is expressed as Service-to-Self [as opposed to Service-to-Others]. It creates power for their group, but inherent in this process is a rapid dissipation of power in that civilization, due to the limitations imposed by the games of limitation and negativity enforced on the popularity. […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30b – REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

The continuing situation with regard to M.P., a twenty-year-old woman in Las Vegas, has brought many interesting factors to the fore. Her first abduction occurred when she was five years old in December 1975. She has experienced over 400 abductions since that time, an average of two a month. Around 1987, she found that she was able to retain more and more memory of the activities. She is also an excellent artist with a photographic memory. There is sufficient […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30a – REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

The following information is reproduced, with permission, from Val Valerian’s massive work MATRIX II [The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology]. This and other highly interesting research reports are available from the LEADING EDGE RESEARCH GROUP; P.O. Box 7530., Yelm, Washington State C.F. 98597 C.F. The following information is not given in any particular chronology or order, but more in a random collection of notes and research generally involving the connections between Aerial, Conspiracy and Subsurface phenomena: […] Read More