The Dulce Papers – Chapter 31d – CONFESSIONS OF AN FBI “X-FILE” AGENT

These morale problems have benefited me on more than one occasion and I strongly believe that governmental collusion in these activities is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The Greys, like the Reptilians, routinely attempt to erase the abduction related memories of those they abduct. One of the most exotic elements of Grey technology exploited by the DON involves the deliberate regulation of human brain activity including telepathic communication, and propulsive technologies which include temporal and, for lack of a better term, “Trans-Dimensional” facets. […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 31c – CONFESSIONS OF AN FBI “X-FILE” AGENT

Several underground and underwater facilities [at least one underwater facility is off the Florida coast and has a terrestrial access point in south Miami… I and my unseen cohorts have already provided the address to several individuals] have been established to support these [joint operational] activities and to provide a suitable habitat for the EBEs involved. Parenthetically, the multiple protective shelters [MPS] ICBM basing scheme proposed in the early 1980s was actually a cover for the construction of 4,600 EBE […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 31b – CONFESSIONS OF AN FBI “X-FILE” AGENT

The Greys are divided into quasi-sentient asexual WORKERS who are, on average, four feet tall, AND dominant BREEDERS who have large eyes and are, on average, almost six feet tall. Both types of Greys have four fingers on each hand. This alliance emerged from the successful recovery of several apparently crashed Grey craft and the subsequent establishment of relations with this species. This relationship is, for the time being, clandestine by the choice of both parties and involves a […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 31a – CONFESSIONS OF AN FBI “X-FILE” AGENT

The following is from a secret report released by an FBI special agent code-named JORDON, who has been involved with the intrigues taking place near Dulce, New Mexico and Area 51 [Dreamland] Nevada. Among his fellow colleagues within the FBI, Jordon was often referred to as “The X-File Man“. ‘Jordon‘ claims to be an abductee whose birth in 1962 was genetically engineered by “tall greys” that had apparently altered the genetic codes within the ovum of his human mother […] Read More