The Dulce Papers – Chapter 7c – A DULCE VANGUARD AT DEEP SPRINGS?

“The ‘headquarters‘ of this particular ‘surround‘ is Deep Springs, California. At this location, one can find a ‘school‘ for Communist homosexuals who have defected to the EBEs in exchange for a cure for AIDs and a promise to their own little world, including reproduction via cloning and artificial wombs. Their sperm fertilize eggs taken from abductees. You will not likely see the hybrids hidden inside the mountain unless you have… Starlite binoculars. Some Homosapien APPEARING malevolent [mercenaries] are also […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 7b – A DULCE VANGUARD AT DEEP SPRINGS?

“Dear John… “I am writing to you in the event that I do not return. “There is a triangle surrounding the Nevada Test Site. “There are in fact two of them. Each one frontier on the other. One is the ELECTRO-MAGNETIC TRIANGLE, installed by MJ-12. This is a shield to protect the ‘Benevolent‘ [very human looking] from the EBEs (the so-called “Extraterrestrial Biological Entities” or Grays – Branton) while they help us develop our counter-attack/defenses. The other is the […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 7a – A DULCE VANGUARD AT DEEP SPRINGS?

It has been fairly well established that the Dulce, New Mexico network is the largest and most significant alien [Reptiloid/Gray] base network in North America. However, according to one source, there is also another ‘nest‘ near Deep Springs, California. This [Dulce-connected?] base — because of its proximity — may pose an even greater threat to the humanoid residents of the ‘subterranean network‘ who have major city-complexes below California: Mt. Shasta, Panamint Mountains, 29 Palms area, etc.   These colonies […] Read More