Among The Ice PacksFor the next forty-five days our time was employed in dodging icebergs and hunting channels; indeed, had we not been favored with a strong south wind and a small boat, I doubt if this story could have ever been given to the world. At last, there came a morning when my father said: “My son, I think we are to see home. We are almost through the ice. See! the open water lies before us.” However, […] Read More


In The Under WorldWe learned that the males do not marry before they are from seventy-five to one hundred years old, and that the age at which women enter wedlock is only a little less, and that both men and women frequently live to be from six to eight hundred years old, and in some instances much older.18 18Josephus says: “God prolonged the life of the patriarchs that preceded the deluge, both on account of their virtues and to […] Read More


Beyond The North WindI tried to forget my thirst by busying myself with bringing up some food and an empty vessel from the hold. Reaching over the side-rail, I filled the vessel with water for the purpose of laving my hands and face. To my astonishment, when the water came in contact with my lips, I could taste no salt. I was startled by the discovery. “Father!” I fairly gasped, “the water, the water; it is fresh!” “What, Olaf?” […] Read More

1908: The Smoky GOD 2

Olaf Jansen’s Story My name is Olaf Jansen. I am a Norwegian, although I was born in the little seafaring Russian town of Uleaborg, on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Bothnia, the northern arm of the Baltic Sea. My parents were on a fishing cruise in the Gulf of Bothnia, and put into this Russian town of Uleaborg at the time of my birth, being the twenty-seventh day of October, 1811. My father, Jens Jansen, was born […] Read More

1908: The Smoky GOD

THE SMOKY GOD Or A Voyage to the Inner World By WILLIS GEORGE EMERSON With Illustrations by JOHN A. WILLIAMS CHICAGO FORBES & COMPANY 1908 Copyright, 1908. By WILLIS GEORGE EMERSON CONTENTS Dedication Part I. Author’s Foreword Part II. Olaf Jansen’s Story Part III. Beyond The North Wind Part IV. In the Under World Part V. Among the Ice Packs Part VI. Conclusion Part VII. Author’s Afterword ILLUSTRATIONS “I was left alone with the dead.” “Twenty-eight years — long, […] Read More

Lazeria Map Collection: Is the Earth Hollow?

Personal comments from Harry Hubbard: “Paul and I wish to thank all of you for your participation in this historical documentary. We never supposed it would take off as it has, but we are happy you have enjoyed it. You can learn more about how we made this video by listening to our interviews on the Living Light Network athttp://livinglightnetwork.org . It sometimes takes more than one viewing to absorb all the history in this video. Related articles Is The […] Read More

Hollow earth… Stuff they don’t want you to know!!!

As World War II raged across Europe and the Pacific, the conflict reached every continent on the planet, including Antarctica. Learn more about the little-known Nazi expeditions to Antarctica — and what they hoped to find there — Hollow Earth? — in this episode of Stuff They Don’t Want You to Know. Related articles Jim Vieira and the Giants Intuition Connecting the Dots of the Paranormal: Little Green Men and Little People The Miracle Of Right Thought 1989: UFO […] Read More

The Modocs & Paihutes: Legends of California

The Modoc tribe tell that ‘ thousands of snows ago, there was a great storm over Mt. Shasta. The Great Spirit, who lived within the mountain, sent his youngest daughter out to speak to the storm and tell it to stop blowing so hard, or else the mountain might blow over. He also told her not to stick her head out the top of the mountain, or the wind could catch her long, red hair, and blow her away. […] Read More


From: THE HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER, Vol. 2, No. 5: [Exclusive Interview with Dr. Hank Krastman Ph.D] Dr. Hank Krastman has spent the last 23 years researching and reporting on the Earth’s Ley Lines, Vortexes, Men in Black, Crystals and Crystal Skulls and Hopi entrances to the Inner Earth. He has written and published many books and videos on these and other subjects, and until recently published UNEXPLAINED magazine. His continuing work will soon be found in INTERNATIONAL UFO LIBRARY […] Read More