From OMNI Magazine (October 1983) If there were a hall of fame for pseudo-scientists, surely Cyrus Teed would deserve a place of honor. It was shortly after the Civil War that Teed had his vision: The earth is a hollow sphere, and WE LIVE INSIDE IT. Everything else in the universe is in here with us — planets, comets, stars — everything. What’s outside the sphere? Nothing. Teed’s cosmology had a particular appeal to religious fundamentalists. It made the […] Read More

Symmes’ Hole near the North Pole.

Alaska Science Forum June 3, 1985The Hollow Earth Theory Article #718 by Larry Gedney This article is provided as a public service by the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, in cooperation with the UAF research community. Larry Gedney is a seismologist at the Institute. Illustration from the October 1882 issue of Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, showing the appearance of Symmes’ Hole near the North Pole. One can never be sure just how serious they are about it, but […] Read More

Hollow Earth Cities

Recently, America watched Stephen Spielberg’s TV pilot, a remake of Verne’ s “Journey to the Center of the Earth.” A maverick team of scientists aboard their melt-proof ship enter the inner Earth through a bubbling volcano. When things cool off, they find themselves exploring a vast and sunny inner landscape . . . a magical and inviting world with ample room to fly. Their adventure resembles the real life account of a Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jansen. His story, […] Read More

Hollow Earth

The hollow Earth theory holds that Earth is not a solid sphere but is hollow and has openings at the poles. Furthermore, an advanced civilization, the Agartha, exists within Earth. Their people include advanced spiritual and technological masters who sometimes foray into the atmosphere in their UFOs. In the late 17th century, British astronomer Edmund Halley proposed that Earth consists of four concentric spheres and also suggested that the interior of the Earth was populated with life and lit […] Read More

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Once upon a time … on the banks of a great river in the north of Germany lay a town called Hamelin. The citizens of Hamelin were honest folk who lived contentedly in their grey stone houses. The years went by, and the town grew very rich. Then one day, an extraordinary thing happened to disturb the peace. Hamelin had always had rats, and a lot too. But they had never been a danger, for the cats had always […] Read More

Aurora Australis Marks The Southern Orifice

The following is a sped-up NASA film clip of the aurora australis. One thing that is unique about this clip is that it shows the aurora emanating from an orifice in the continent of Antarctica. This observation flies in the face of the accepted theory that the aurora is directly caused by the solar winds. We suggest that radiations from the Sun, including the solar winds, well up within the hollow portion of the Earth and are expelled at […] Read More

Aryan Invasion Revised

  The Aryan invasion theory has been a basis and justification of Western interpretation upon the civilization and history of India. Although many Ideologists within India have been influenced by such thought, the theory has not met majority acceptance within India and is even coming under attack in the West. David Frawley, one Sanskrit scholar recognized both inside as well as outside of India has assessed the current situation of the Aryan invasion theory thusly: “ One of the […] Read More

1947: Admiral Richard B. Byrd’s Secret Diary

by Admiral Richard B. Byrd I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity. It concerns my Arctic flight of the nineteenth day of February in the year of Nineteen and Forty Seven. There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade into insignificance and one must accept the inevitability of the Truth! I am not at liberty to disclose the following documentation at this writing …perhaps it shall never see the light of public scrutiny, but […] Read More

1996: Dhyana Markley Speaks about the Inner Earth

By Chyrene Pendleton In 1996, I attended an excellent lecture at the Colorado UFO Society by Dhyana Markley about her Inner Earth experiences. She recounted that, about 10 years earlier, as she planned a move to Oahu, Hawaii, she encountered two friends, both spiritual masters, at a seminar. When she told them of her intentions, each asked her separately if she was aware of a great, ancient tunnel that extended from Sedona, Arizona to Kauai, Hawaii.  Once in Hawaii, […] Read More

The Hollow Earth – Heaven or Hell?

Our common conception is that Heaven is out there somewhere in the sky or in space, while Hell is underneath us, deep underground or at the planet’s center. This would be accurate if the planet had a wholly solid interior, but it does not. Our planet is a hollow shell and at its center is a luminous sun or anomaly. It is engineered wisely and economically so that both the outer convex surface and the inner concave surface can […] Read More