The Cook Society & Hollow Planets

by Jan Lamprecht   The Polar Regions have long featured as a core part of the Hollow Earth theory. Probably the most detailed study of this aspect was done by two prominent Hollow Earthers in the early 1900’s: Gardner & Reed.   When I wrote my book, HOLLOW PLANETS, it was obvious that there errors with the old ideas of gigantic polar holes. For a long time I concerned myself with seismology, geology, astronomy and meteorology.   But […] Read More

A Prophecy from the Inner Earth?

“The entrances to the Interior Earth are to be found at the poles, as well as in the Antarctic Oases and possibly on the top of this mountain. They can be reached by travelling through the deep waters which flow beneath the ices. “In this Interior Earth are the Cities of Agharti, Shambhalla and the Caesars, inhabited by the immortal Siddhas. There the Golden Age still exists. The Discs of Light, covered in orichalcum, fly out from there. They […] Read More

Our Earth IS Hollow! — The Scientific Evidence

Source: Our Hollow Earth!   Therefore, let us take the evidence of the scientific community as presented by John M. Prytz in his article, “The Hollow Earth Hoax,” and see how well his evidence recorded in high school texts, even in elementary texts, stands up against the first-hand observations of trained observers. Number One item of Prytz’s “factual evidence explaining why the hollow earth (and it’s polar openings) cannot exist,” states: “The North polar area is covered with […] Read More

1995: An Introduction to The Hollow Earth

by Dennis Crenshaw Is the Earth Hollow? This intriguing question has attracted the attention of free thinkers, scientists and a wide assortment of crackpots back through the ages.   The most ancient of stories of modern mankind can be found written on the clay tablets of Mesopotamia. Two, “Gilgamesh” (Table XII) and “The Descent of Ishtar to the Underworld”, are about adventures among different kinds of creatures inside the earth.   1 Plato wrote of enormous subterranean tunnels both […] Read More

THE HOLLOW EARTH – In The Inner Earth

By Dennis Crenshaw Please visit Dennis Crenshaw’s web-site at This intriguing question has attracted the attention of free thinkers, scientists and a wide assortment of crackpots back through the ages. Plato wrote of enormous subterranean tunnels both broad and narrow that made up the earth’s interior. Dr. Edmond Halley, of comet fame, believed that all heavenly bodies were hollow and in a speech before the members of the Royal Society of London stated “Beneath the crust of the […] Read More

Secrets of the Subterranean Cities 1

by Sharula Dux from SoulWise Website Sharula Dux is a princess of the underground city of Telos. Telos is situated beneath Mt. Shasta in northern California. The ancient continent of Lemuria (Mu) relocated 25,000 of its inhabitants to Telos just prior to the destruction and sinking of the continent of Mu which transpired as a direct result of the Atlantean-Lemurian conflict nearly 12,000 years ago. Sharula has emerged from her subterranean home to bring to the surface the higher truths that have […] Read More