2006 Richard Toronto Little is known of Edward John‘s origin. That which was known of him by friends and acquaintances is now forgotten. His life, as we know it, began with the May 1946 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine in a rambling, detailed letter confirming the truths of the Shaver Mystery. The letter was postmarked San Francisco, where Edward “Ed” John shared a one-bedroom apartment with his aged mother. Their modest digs were located in a row of Victorian flats on the 400 block of […] Read More

2009: The High Tech Underground City of Marconi, Fulcanelli, and Tesla

http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message901534/pg1 Marconi the Mysterious Marconi was the son of a wealthy Italian landowner and an Irish mother When interest in his first transmission in 1895 had not interested Italian authorities, he had gone to Britain. The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company was formed in London in 1896 and Marconi made millions, off his inventions. Marconi and Tesla are both given credit for the invention of the radio Marconi’s historical radio transmission utilized a Heinrich Hertz spark arrester a Popov antenna […] Read More


Atlantis Rising Forum Recently, Erick von Daniken reported that he’d had been in a network of tunnels that run for thousands of miles beneath the South American continent. Von Daniken said in the Gold of the Gods that he had been in the tunnels, accompanied by their discoverer, Juan Moricz, a Hungarian immigrant who is now a citizen of Argentina. The entrance to the subterranean labyrinth is somewhere in the province of Morona-Santiago, Ecuador. According to von Daniken, he […] Read More

Hollow Earth in the Puranas

The Puranas make several comments in relation to the hollow Earth which should not be taken lightly. Although they are but comments in passing, their significance should be recognized. One such Puranic comment has to do with the narration of the Kalki avatar- that at the end of Kali Yuga, the Kalki Avatar will be born in the best of Brahmin families of the city of Shamballa to annihilate miscreants on the surface of the globe. Afterward, the general […] Read More

Apache Underground!

Below, the reader will find two short excerpts from the book Lost Cities of North America, by David Hatcher Childress. At the very bottom, there is a very interesting conclusion or two. Page 308, Excerpt: Stories of tunnels abound in Peru and other areas of South America. Many researchers believe that these tunnels run for hundreds of miles through the mountains, as far south as Chile, as far north as Ecuador or Columbia, as far to the east as […] Read More

Ancient and Hollow Astronauts

The world has always had its secret places. As mankind spread out from its ancient home on the plains of Africa, there was always something wonderful — or fearful — over the next hill, the next mountain, or across the sea. By the nineteenth century, the outlines of all the continents were known, and the interiors were steadily being explored. But as the Earth became more and more known, the desire for secret places did not lessen. Speculations about […] Read More

American Indian Underground Origins

” The Navajo religious system is intricate. Like most Amerindian nations, they claim to have come from a subterranean world through caves or vents that connect with this upper world. Theirs is a Mystery Religion based on Drug Cults (Peyotism), on shamanism, and on amuletic songs, dances, design, and rituals. But the idea of a subterranean Creation one in which Mankind somehow originated underground and later ascended to this earth in some manner is peculiar not only to the […] Read More

Aliens live on Earth, under the ground

A lot of respectable scientists and writers believed that Earth is hollow inside Rumors about underground towns appeared for the first time in 1946. The person to launch the rumors was Richard Shaver – writer, journalist, and scientist. His incredible story about contacts with aliens living under the ground was published in Amazing Stories Magazine. Shaver said that he had spent several weeks living under the ground with demon-looking aliens, whose descriptions can be found in ancient legends and […] Read More

2000: Ancient Underground World – Finally Revealed!

Posted By: Shadow Date: Monday, 12 June 2000, 2:48 p.m. JJ Hurtak’s Stunning Discoveries of Ancient Underground Tunnels*   By Paul White   Since the declassification of the new ground-penetrating radar 2 years ago, the most staggering data has emerged of complex and labyrinthine underground systems in various parts of the world.   At places like Guatemala in the South Americas, tunnels have been mapped under the Mayan pyramid complex at Tikal, which extends a full 800 kilometers to […] Read More

1997: Underground Bases Of The Star Gods & The Controversial Shaver Mystery

The June 1947 issue of Amazing Stories featuring the “Shaver Mystery” (Photo credit: Wikipedia) by Brad Steiger Excerpt From STAR GODS: Clone Masters Of The Universe 1997   There are persistent legends in nearly every known Earth culture that tell of the Old Ones, an ancient race who populated the surface of our planet thousands, if not millions, of years ago.   According to these ancient legends, the Old Ones are an immensely intelligent and scientifically advanced race, who, eons ago, […] Read More