1932: Ancient Civilization Beneath Death Valley?

Author unknown Bourke Lee, in his book ‘DEATH VALLEY MEN’ (MacMillan Co., N.Y. 1932), chapter: “Old Gold“, describes a conversation which he had several years ago with a small group of Death valley residents. The conversation had eventually turned to the subject of Paiute Indian legends. At one point two of the men, Jack and Bill, described their experience with an ‘underground city‘ which they claimed to have discovered after one of them had fallen through the bottom of […] Read More

Underground Civilizations

Image by Jon De Pew There are supposedly other races that exist beneath the surface of this planet. They live in the third dimension or higher.  AGARTHA – LINK WITH SHAMBALAThere is a civilization of people living in the center of the earth known as Agartha. Buddist and Indian theology affirms their existence. The Buddhist theory: It is believed to be a race of supermen and superwomen who occasionally come to the surface to oversee the development of the […] Read More