Alien Facility 7

The Mexican steel ball was identified as titanium, the one in Arkansas steel. Smaller colored spheres were found scattered over the French countryside in 1966-67, as if it had been raining balls there. Where is all this stuff coming from? The same place as the stone pillars and blocks of ice. Innumerable cases of contact and landings have been flushed down the ufological drain because of the deliberate “negative factors.” Sincere witnesses have actually been ruined because the amateur […] Read More

Alien Facility 6

The NASA administrator is empowered to determine WITH OR WITHOUT A HEARING that a person has been “ET-exposed” and impose INDETERMINATE quarantine under armed guard, which cannot be broken even by court order. (p89) Mars has a history of transient phenomena. (p90) Temporary brilliant spots on Mars were reported by astronomers in 1890, 1892, 1900, 1911, 1924, 1937, 1952, 1954, 1967, and 1971. The distribution was non-random. Intensely dark spots, transient in nature, were reported on Mars in 1925, […] Read More

Alien Facility 5

The first noted appearance of the MIB was in 1947, at the scene of the Maury Island incident, where some debris was ejected from a disk, and subsequently recovered by officials, who loaded them on an Army bomber which crashed on takeoff. To illustrate a little how bizarre some of the incidents are regarding the MIB, I have assembled a short list of some of the more interesting factors in some cases: o An ex-Air Force man is gassed […] Read More

Alien Facility 4

On top of it, you would unleash forces that would want to kill them [UFO contactees] if they disclosed that the CIA is dealing with the exact same things the [contact victim] is. “Maybe one or two hundred years from now, some of the Greys will even physically mingle and you may have some creatures walking around who are pretty much hybrids between Greys and your own race. For now, anything that walks around will look much like yourselves. […] Read More

Alien Facility 3

In STIGMATA No. 5 (Fall-Winter 1978) Tom Adams outlined the most prominent speculative explanations accounting for the mutilation/helicopter link, including the following: o The helicopters are themselves UFOs, disguised to appear as terrestrial craft. o The choppers originate from within the U.S. government/military and are directly involved in conducting the actual mutilations. o The helicopters are government/military and are not involved in the mutilations but are investigating them. o The helicopters are government/military, and they know about the identity […] Read More

Alien Facility 2

A SITUATION REPORT ON OUR ACQUISITION OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AND INTERACTION WITH ALIEN CULTURES JANUARY 1988 BY O.H. KRILL ABSTRACT Throughout the forty year period when UFO have been actively observed in our civilization, a lot of data has been gathered — data which has often pointed to aspects of the phenomena that have been suppressed. As a result of the suppression and compartmentalization of the information, our culture has been fragmented into several levels of “reality” which both […] Read More

Alien Facility

ALIEN FACILITY THE FOLLOWING .DOC IS A CONGLOMERATION OF VARIOUS TEXT FILES, SOME CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET BY US INTELLIGENCE, OTHERS BY US PILOTS, SOLDIERS ETC, WHICH WERE CONFISCATED AS A THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY, AND THEN THEIR EXISTANCE DENIED. NEVADA US-ALIEN FACILITY BRIEF   After several years of research, various people have unearthed the high possibility of EBE base areas in the Nevada area. Observations from many individuals, some of whom have been threatened by various parties, have led […] Read More