Aliens, Underground Bases for the ‘Elite’ and the New World Order

Phil Schneider, a very brave man, has lost his life due to what appeared to be a military-style execution in January 1996. He was found dead in his apartment with piano wire still wrapped around his neck.  According to some sources, he had been brutally tortured repeated before being killed. Phil Schneider was an ex-government engineer who was involved in building underground bases. He was one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight between the large Greys […] Read More

Melting Antarctica Ice Reveals UFO Underwater Base

Planet Earth is undergoing major changes including Antarctica. Antarctica is home to glorious mountain ranges wrapped in glacial ice. If you at them long enough, you might start to notice a strange geometric pattern — some of the peaks are oddly, perfectly pyramid-shaped. This, if you belong to certain corners of the internet, can only mean one thing: aliens. Now, using Google Earth we found an area of open water surrounded by sea ice in which you can see […] Read More

2016: Phil Schneider Revealed a Huge Secret About the Greys Before He Was Murdered

Phil Schneider was a government geologist who had seventeen years of experience involved with black ops. Phil Schneider was working for the U.S. government building underground bases. He held a Level 3(Rhyolite 38) security clearance. Schneider said he was one of three survivors in a battle with aliens in August 1979. He died on January 17, 1996 under suspicious circumstances. Schneider, disturbed by what he had witnessed while working in black ops, felt it was his duty to warn […] Read More

What They Found ,Then Covered Up, In Antarctica Will Blow Your Mind

Editor’s note: The following story is amazing and should be shared with everyone you know! The U.S. Government has been complicit in many cover ups, but this is by far one of the most compelling accounts. ANTARCTICA (INTELLIHUB) — Operation Highjump (OpHjp) put nearly 5000 U.S. military personnel along with every resource available to the Navy’s disposal in the hands of Admiral Richard Byrd, the Operations Leader of the U.S. Naval mission into the Antarctic. Think about that for […] Read More

The Inner-Earth Origin of the Flying Saucers

The conception of the hollow earth presented in this book offers the most reasonable theory of the origin of the flying saucers and far more logical than the belief in their interplanetary origin. by Dr. R. W. Bernard, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. For this reason, leading flying saucer experts, as Ray Palmer, editor of “Flying Saucers” magazine, and Gray Barker, a well-known writer on flying saucers, have accepted the theory of their subterranean origin as against the idea that they […] Read More

David Wilcock: Inner Earth Civilizations May Soon Reveal Themselves to the World

by Ancient Code In a new interview by Coast to Coast AM, author and researchers David Wilcock stated that an alliance of ancient civilizations is living inside the planet. These ancient civilizations have been calling the inner Earth their home for long periods of time and they are about the reveal themselves to the world. Wilcock explained that during the formation of all watery planets in the universe (and according to latest studies by NASA there are quite a […] Read More

SECRET UNDERGROUND CITIES HAVE INFLUENCED HUMAN CIVILIZATION & RELIGION FOR MILLENNIA An ancient network of underground cities, tens of thousands of years old, has exerted a powerful influence over human society and religion for millennia according to secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode. More recently, he claims this network of cities has been negotiating with major nations that have developed secret space programs.   On September 23, Goode released a report describing a diplomatic meeting with members of seven ancient underground civilizations that recently had to come together to […] Read More

Navy Submarine Base Under the Nevada Desert ?

Whatever happened with Steve Fossett? John Lear says it might have to do with an Above Top Secret UNDERGROUND Submarine Base. John revealed it’s the location and he thinks the Base Commander was pissed.  A short time later Steve Fossett turns up missing.   The Navy Sub Base in Nevada might have thought   John Lear was in the plane (photographing the location).   The aircraft was ordered to be shot down. Then..the ONI removed the evidence of the crashed aircraft. That is why the Mega […] Read More

2008: Agent Buried Alive

The Autobiography of Commander James Casbolt (2008) Chapter 1, Project Mannequin Chapter 2 , The Return of The Watchers Chapter 3, The Modern History of Behaviour Modification Chapter 4, The River of Love Chapter 5, Born into the Project Chapter 6, The Sublime View Chapter 1:  Project Mannequin My name is James Michael Casbolt. The following is my life and testimony. I was born in London in 1976. I was chosen for an intelligence agency mind control and genetic […] Read More

2009: Caves of mystery at Huashan

Shanghai Star. 2003-01-09 IS it simply a coincidence or do certain laws of nature lie behind the phenomenon? A new mystery has recently been uncovered on the 30 degrees Northern Latitude, following upon other great mysteries such as the pyramids, Noah’s ark and the Bermuda Triangle. The new finding on this mysterious latitude is to do with the ancient Mystical Caves at Huashan, near the famous Huangshan Mountain in China’s Anhui Province. Although tests on chiselled stones showed that […] Read More