1948: AMAZING STORIES: Burley, Idaho Underground Revisited

The next letter appeared later on pages 164-165 of the January, 1948 issue of AMAZING STORIES:    Sirs: If you file your correspondence, you will find a letter there from this writer which was written in the early part of this year, advising you of reading my first AMAZING STORIES magazine and of my interest in the mystery of the caves, especially the articles by Mr. Shaver. I haven’t missed a copy of A. S. since then and interest […] Read More

1947: AMAZING STORIES: Burley, Idaho Underground

The following letter appeared on pages 174-175 of the October, 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES:    “Sirs:  Perhaps I have delayed over-long to send you my slight contribution to the master code. Why? I was still afraid there might be some slip that would put me in a bad spot. I am a druggist in this town and any trace of nut’s talk would ruin my job. I have been waiting for the issue which just hit the newsstand […] Read More

Underground Infrastructure: The missing forty trillion dollars

by Steven J. Smith 1.1 Introduction: For many years there have been reports and rumors of a vast network of underground complexes and tunnels beneath the North American continent.  Starting in the late 1980s, the American government has tried to deflect these rumors through a campaign of misdirection and misinformation.  Disclosure of the Greenbrier Congressional Shelter at White Sulphur Springs is a good example of this campaign.  To believe the existence of the Greenbrier complex was revealed against the wishes […] Read More

2012: A Conversation with Jo Ann Richards Regarding Captain Mark Richards U.S

This was filmed on location at Conspiracy Con in June 2012 when I ran into Jo Ann Richards who was working behind a booth in the vendor area of the conference. I had been meaning to interview her for a while but never had the chance. I also wanted of course to interview her husband, Mark Richards, as I knew his story from before I got involved in Project Camelot. Mark Richards was an officer involved in the Dulce […] Read More

1992: Battle of Harvest Moon

THE COSMIC GRAND DECEPTION In mid-May, 1992, tens of millions of people all over the country viewed the CBS presentation of “INTRUDERS”, which alleged to be the true dramatization of documented alien interaction with the human race. An interaction which involved various “experiments” which were being conducted by this alien race upon the people of America and, in fact, the world. What is happening to thousands of people, some of whom were depicted in the CBS presentation, that would […] Read More

Searching for the Truth: Underground Bases

by: Dennis G. Balthaser When discussing the UFO phenomena, one has to be careful what he chooses to talk about for several reasons. There is currently no physical evidence from a UFO available, to the public, to prove UFOs are real, however those of us investigating this subject do believe physical evidence does exist. Skeptics and non-believers still need that physical proof to believe that UFOs are real (seeing is believing). Perhaps the scientific community will someday have that […] Read More

1995: The Mysterious Life and Death of Philip Schneider

By Tim Swartz With assistance from Cynthia Drayer Al Pratt suspected something was wrong with his friend Philip Schneider. For several days in a row, Al had gone to Phil’s apartment, in Willsonville, Oregon, saw his car in the parking lot, but received no answer at the door. Finally, on January 17th, 1996, Al Pratt, along with the manager of the Autumn Park Apartments and a detective from the Clackamas County Sheriff’s office entered the apartment. Inside, they found […] Read More

Underground Tunnels, Cities, and Civilization

Tribes of people seem to be living in deep underground cities, very ancient, in the deep Amazon, Spain, Turkey, and many other places around the world. Related articles Secrets and Mysteries of An Underground World Truck Driver Confirms Underground City Beneath US.The New Command Center for the NWO 2013: Giant Sphinx Discovered Among Bermuda Triangle Pyramids The Miracle Of Right Thought 2001: ‘Lost city’ found beneath Cuban waters


Volume 1, Issue 2 October 1989 “THE PEGASUS” is published bi-monthly by the UFINET NEWS AND INFORMATION SERVICE.   The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of UFINET, but of the contributing authors.   For subscription information send a stamped self addressed envelope to UFINET, P.O. Box 0123, Alamogordo, New Mexico, 88311-0123.   ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! by William S. English   In light of the many facts that have or have not come to light during […] Read More