1947: AMAZING STORIES: Big Bend Area Underground

This next letter appeared on pages 171-172 of the October, 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES:    “Sirs:  Norman Finley, a neighbor of a good friend of mine, told me about an experience he had which was rather unusual. He and a couple of other fellows were hunting down in the Big Bend country. I don’t know whether you are familiar with the Big Bend or not, but there is no more wild or desolate area in the country. Rugged, […] Read More


The Jicarilla Apache Indians are somewhat divided as to the exact place from which their ancestors are alleged to have emerged from the subterranean world. Pages 26, 57, and 163-164 of Morris E. Opler‘s book “MYTHS AND TALES OF THE JICARILLA APACHE INDIANS” gives the information that some of the Apache’s believe their place of emergence to be somewhere west of Flint Mountain, which is west of Abiquiu, New Mexico. Others place it north of Durango Colorado; near Alamosa; or […] Read More


The Hopi Indians are a group of native Americans living on a reservation in northern Arizona. The word “Hopi” means “Peaceful”. This extraordinary group of ‘Indians’ (native Americans) have resisted all pressures to conform to the White mans way. Their traditions and legends are very colorful and detailed, especially the story of their emergence upon the surface of the earth… Long ago, they say, their ancestors lived in an underground world. After millennia’s of such living conditions and after […] Read More

1947: AMAZING STORIES: California Cave

The following letter was published in the March, 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine and can be found on pages 171-173 of that issue:    “…The writer is presently a writer for the Washington Times Harold, is a former World War II combat infantry officer and a holder of the Distinguished Service Cross.    “I can be checked upon at my paper or better, simply contacted there by your Washington office. I vouch for the following and will be […] Read More


The following information can be found on page 277 of Bourke Lee’s book “DEATH VALLEY MEN”. This story of a strange tunnel was told after the men had been discussing a local Indian legend, similar in many details to the legend of Orpheus and Eurydice, from Greek mythology: “…”Now! About this tunnel,” said Bill, with his forehead wrapped in a frown. You said this Indian went through a tunnel into a strange country, didn’t you?”    “Yes,” I said. […] Read More


By RALPH B. FIELDS (The writer of this article presents it as a factual story; the editor’s present it as received. It is amazing!)  “In Beginning this narrative and the unexplainable events that befell my friend and myself, I offer no explanation, nor do I even profess to offer any reason. In fact, I have yet to find a clue that will, even in part, offer any explanation whatever. Yet as it did happen, there must be some rhyme […] Read More


Mount Shasta, in the northernmost part of California, has been a center of mystery for many students of ‘metaphysics’. The mountain is an extinct volcano and is the source of several Indian legends in the area. The following account can be found on pages 257-258 of “A DWELLER ON TWO PLANETS” by Phylos (the Tibetan).  A similar account can be found in “AN EARTH DWELLERS RETURN”, by the same:    “Beside a roaring, dashing mountain torrent, falling in myriad cascades […] Read More

1970: THE UNEXPLAINED: Mount Rainier, Washington

F. L. Boschke’s book “THE UNEXPLAINED”, Pages 103-105, contains the following interesting story: “It is understandable that when volcanoes are inactive, they are covered with snow and ice. Many volcanoes rise out of “the eternal ice”. One of the tallest volcanoes in the world is Mount Rainier, in Washington, in the northwestern United states. This mountain, which lies south of the port of Seattle, is 14,000 feet high and naturally the top of it is covered with ice. However, there is […] Read More

1948: AMAZING STORIES: Burley, Idaho Underground Revisited

The next letter appeared later on pages 164-165 of the January, 1948 issue of AMAZING STORIES:    Sirs: If you file your correspondence, you will find a letter there from this writer which was written in the early part of this year, advising you of reading my first AMAZING STORIES magazine and of my interest in the mystery of the caves, especially the articles by Mr. Shaver. I haven’t missed a copy of A. S. since then and interest […] Read More

1947: AMAZING STORIES: Burley, Idaho Underground

The following letter appeared on pages 174-175 of the October, 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES:    “Sirs:  Perhaps I have delayed over-long to send you my slight contribution to the master code. Why? I was still afraid there might be some slip that would put me in a bad spot. I am a druggist in this town and any trace of nut’s talk would ruin my job. I have been waiting for the issue which just hit the newsstand […] Read More