“One such city was described by Bulwer Lytton in his book, THE COMING RACE. The subterranean race of fruitarians, who live for centuries, will be the coming race after surface cities are destroyed by the lethal fallout of World War III.

Belief in impending destruction is widespread in Brazil and this compels many people to seek refuge in the subterranean world, to escape the deadly fallout caused by the coming war and the flood to fallow. This flood will be caused by the melting of the polar ice caps by the heated atmosphere caused by super bomb explosions.

“Another one of my explorers discovered a subterranean city in which exist marvelous automata or mechanical robots. These robots perform all kinds of useful labor and have electronic brains which, strange to relate, possess a degree of intelligence of their own.

They can speak, answer questions, talk, open and close doors, etc. These robots are controlled by radiations coming from a control dial, something like a typewriter, operated by a subterranean man.

“When my explorer came to the door of this subterranean city, the robot opened the door and met him, together with the subterranean man who controlled him(it). The subterranean spoke Esperanto or a similar language, which had words from many of our languages, mixed together. When my explorer tried to take a photo of him, he grabbed the camera, which he later returned.

“To enter the tunnel which leads to this subsurface city one must pass through poisonous gases and wear a mask and carry a tank of oxygen. My explorer spent some time in the subterranean city of Atlantean scientists, operating strange devices. These subsurface world people ride in automatic cars that travel at supersonic speeds along rails or something like this.

“My explorer has been invited to bring eleven other people to this city, and each newcomer can bring eleven more. In this way, more and more people, who begin to realize that inner earth really exists, can experience its actualities. They will also learn that the people who live in these cities are flesh and blood people who look, for the most part, just like you and me. Only their science and personal development are thousands of years more advanced than ours, on the outer surface of the planet.”

Related:  Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America's #30


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