The following letter was sent to TAL LeVesque from Tawani W. Shoush (at the time living at RR #1, Box 63, Houston, Missouri  65483  USA).

TAL’ was kind enough to forward this letter to me, which I record here in full:          


“We have received your letter of 21 January. We thank you for your courtesy and the enclosed items of interest…

“First, we have no information to exchange. I shall try to be as brief as possible and to the point. Until five years ago all things in life were on what may be termed normal. Then on a certain morning, I was awakened very early, about 1:30 AM by my faithful Doberman.

“A few hundred feet from my lodge on this beautiful Ozark mountain was a pulsating light. I arose and went to see what it was. Needless to say, it was something that I had not dared to think existed. Yes, it was what is commonly called a ‘Saucer’, but I have since had several contacts, and have learned that the true name of these crafts is ‘Flugelrad’.

“I have had the honored privilege of accompanying these beautiful ‘Arianna’ on three separate Flights.

(Note: Shoush, a German immigrant, admits that this name ‘Arianni’ is related to the word ‘Aryan’, which has led SOME to suggest — in addition to the fact that ‘Flugelrad’ is a German word — that these entities ‘may’ have been from the secret Nazi German ‘New Berlin’ underground ‘saucer’ base that exists or did exist beneath the Neu Schwabenland region of Antarctic, where these Nazi’s reportedly collaborate with reptilian humanoids that do unspeakable things to those humans whom they abduct.  The U.S. government allegedly knows of this base, and sent Admiral Byrd to investigate it, which led to a secret government operation called ‘Operation Highjump’. This base was reportedly constructed by a secret cabal of Nazi scientists who escaped the allied invasion of ‘Der Fodderland’ – Branton ;o).

“Of course this sounds like a crackpot does it not?  Well, that is not the case. These crafts do come from the inner Earth. Strange that you call yourself Tal, for that, is the Name of my closest Arianni Friend ‘Thal’. We desire no connection with any other group. We have been given a certain Crystal, this for Navigation purposes through the Magnetic Maelstrom that is a barrier against all at the Polar Apertures. This Crystal is far from here and in a very safe place until needed.

Related:  Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America's #9

“The US Govt. found out what that Barrier means on the ill-fated expedition to one of the Polar areas… Yet, today at the North Polar aperture nearby is a Soviet Base-camp, watching the comings and goings of the Flugelrad. The Americans made the greatest mistake of all in 1945 when the Arianni came to the surface in quantity, to let the Surface People know of their existence. Hiroshima 1945.

    “Instead of the Americans realizing that the Arianni were a Super Race and here for the benefit of all Humanity, the Military Fired on them and pursued them with Hostile intent. Insanity!  Thus the Americans have lost their chance with them.

    “They have proposed to us (The Arianni) that if we can launch a sincere Expedition free of Military or Materialistic intent, they will meet with us. There will be many barriers no doubt, but as the (Hollow Earth? – Branton) Society in Australia states, ‘At Last, The Truth Will Be Known’.

    “So we proceed with our course as directed. Again, thank you for your courteous letter, and we wish you all good Fortune in the quest of Peace.”


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