The following comes from Robert Charroux’s book, “THE GODS UNKNOWN”, page 206:

“…Think of the pointer of a compass: it shows where the greatest magnetic forces of the earth are concentrated, and yet, geographically, there are places where apparently nothing at all happens.

“It might be, therefore, that Agartha (i.e. ‘Agharta’ – Branton) is either at the North Pole or under the Himalayas. In any event, one tends to imagine initiatory centers to exist below the surface and always with some sort of lighting system based on highly technical knowledge!”


The following passages, putting forward the idea that beings exist below the earth’s surface (according to some interpretations), may be found in the Holy Bible:

“And no MAN in heaven, nor in the earth, neither UNDER the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.” — Revelation, CH.5 vs.3

“There were GIANTS IN the earth in those days…” — Genesis, CH.6 vs.4

“And every CREATURE which is in heaven, and on earth, and UNDER THE EARTH…” — Revelation, CH.5 vs.13

“That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things UNDER THE EARTH…” –– Philippians, CH.2 vs.10

“Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also DESCENDED first into the LOWER PARTS OF THE EARTH?” — Ephesians, CH.4 vs.9

“For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the HEART OF THE EARTH.” — St. Matthew, CH.12 vs.40


The following quote comes from Benjamin F. Johnson, and appeared in LIFE’S REVIEW (Independence, Mo., Zion’s Printing and Publishing Co., 1947. P 93):

“…Some think the earth hollow and at the northern end of the earth there is a great hole. They fancy that the earth is inhabited inside with a race of people, said by some to be what is called the ten-tribes, as the statement is made that they (the lost tribes of Israel) journeyed to the north for many days and it seems impossible to many to account for them on the land that they now live on.

Related:  Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America's #8

“…and if this is so it is more than likely that they are numerous people. If they are inside the earth, I think that their cry for a long time has been: give us a room that we may dwell.” (“The North Pole.,” The Deseret Weekly., 53:20-21 [June 20, 1896]…)

 “…In adding his theory, the writer of the Era goes on to state the possibilities of a warmer region in the north. And that someday, explorers MAY find the ten tribes who likewise may also be searching for their brethren of the other two tribes.” (ie. The tribes of Judah and Benjamin)

The most widely accepted source of information on the Lost Tribes of Israel can be found in the ‘APOCRYPHA’, which according to Jews and Christians alike are ‘books’ that are not considered to be ‘Divinely penned scripture’, but rather collections of Jewish tradition and history.

One can read the following in the Apocryphal book of II Esdras 13:40-48:

“…And whereas thou sawest that he gathered another peaceable multitude unto him; those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land in the time of Csea the king, whom Salmonasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and he carried them over the waters and so they came into another land. But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt, that they might keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land.

And they entered into the Euphrates by the narrow passages of the river. For the highest then shewed signs for them, and held still the flood, till they were passed over. For through that country, there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arsareth. Then dwelt they there until the later time: and now when they shall begin to come, the Highest shall stay the springs and streams again, that they may go through: therefore sawest Thou the multitude with peace.”


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Page 77 of John W. Dean’s book, “FLYING SAUCERS CLOSE-UP”, carries the following information on the Hollow Earth theory:

“It is true that we have several books along that line, along with some vague stories and rumors. One of the earliest and most definite was an old issue of the magazine SHOWERS OF BLESSING (Published by the Rev. William R. Blessing). It showed sectional diagrams of Earth — a shell 300 miles thick, having openings at each end… somewhat like a coconut with holes at the ends with rounded edges. I noted that they were drawn about 1910.”

 (Note: Some claim that if these ‘holes’ do exist, then why do they not appear in satellite photos? Well, first of all, there ARE satellite photos which raise some suspicions, if you do a net-search for the words “polar hole photos”, for instance. Next, these holes are allegedly concealed most of the time by thick polar cloud cover, or by some other phenomena, such as a dimensional phenomena!?  The government of course has not released any evidence to the existence of these vortexes for obvious reasons. – Branton)


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