#6 — One interesting legend which ‘may’ give a clue as to how the Inca race ‘originated’ into Peru, is recorded on page 42 of Harold Osborne’s book “SOUTH AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY“. 

The legend/tradition is as follows:

 “…The first version tells of a cliff with three small cave mouths, or a building with three exits, about twenty miles from the present city of Cuzco (Peru). It was called Paccari-tambo (Inn of origin) or Tambotocco (place of the hole). In prehistoric times four brothers and four sisters, who were to be the founders of the Inca dynasty, emerged from the middle orifice. Their names and numbers are differently given. According to some versions the ancestors of other non-royal Inca clans emerged from the other two orifices.

Later on in this book, there is a particular legend which states that after the ancestors of the Incas emerged from the caves, they passed through two areas known as “Apitay” and “Huana Cauri” while on their way to the present city of Cuzco, which many believe to be the ‘birthplace’ of the Inca civilization.


Related:  Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America's #30

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