The majority of the recent BLACK CHOPPER sorties have nothing to do with lawful military/police department operations, but are presently locating, and SETTING UP for seizure — people/guns — who will not take the ‘mark‘ of the coming One World Government/Order! So prepare accordingly!
“There numerous suggestions that the Rockefeller empire and their secret society hosts in Bavaria Germany [the Rockefeller’s native land] are the secret manipulators behind the United Nations Organization or UNO. On the outside Nazism and Communism may seem to be in conflict, however, it was the Rockefellers and the German Black Nobility cults who created BOTH movements. Tyranny is tyranny, whether it be National Socialism or Global Socialism.
Perhaps the Bavarians created two types of Socialism: Global Socialism — as a means to tear down the international competition; and National Socialism — as a means to build up the German empire. We should NEVER forget that Lenin, the Communist Revolutionist, was an agent of the GERMAN government. What is not commonly known is that Stalin murdered nearly 6 million Jews during the World War II period, as did Hitler.
This means 12 million or more Jews were murdered during World War II. As of the mid-1990s some 12 million known Jews remain in the world — ironically, nearly 5-6 million of them in Israel and about the same number in America, although there are still small pockets of Jews scattered throughout various other countries. The following information which appeared on the Internet was provided by an anonymous ‘Insider‘ who identifies himself only as “One Who Knows“.
You must realize that although some people may possess patriotic feelings, these are not always combined with suicidal intent. In other words, there may be very good reasons why some Intelligence Agency ‘Insiders‘ choose to remain anonymous, especially when this kind of incendiary information is involved. I would suggest however that some of the best ‘evidence‘ may not appear as a result of a person’s identity or character — since some of those involved have in the past taken part in activities that they regret — but instead as a result of how the information compares with other sources.
So, not willing to implicate themselves or make themselves a ‘target‘ by one side or the other or both, they instead fight ‘the evil‘ the only way they know how… to expose it anonymously. So read the following and compare it with the remainder of the revelations given in this section, and make your own determinations as to how the following ‘fits-in’ with the rest of this enigmatic ‘puzzle‘