Colombia’s Underground

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Location: Serranía del Perijá, Codazzi, Cesar, Colombia
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  “The Yupa Indians, who live on the Sierra de Perija mountain range, have their own legend of the underworld: 

“Below the plane of the earth, according to Pariri cosmology, there exists an underworld inhabited by a race of dwarfs – the Pipintu. The Indians claim to have obtained their knowledge of this place through the eye-witness account of a man who, trapped in a funerary cave, managed to escape by way of the entrance to this underworld… the natural environment of the Land of the Dwarfs does not differ markedly from the Yupa habitat on earth… They are friendly, honest, peace-loving people…”

Source:  “YUPA FOLKTALES”, by Johannes Wilbert: pages 8 and 14

Location: Lake of Fuquene, and the lake of Guatavita, Colombia
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:   “The temples and sanctuaries most celebrated of all the Mosca (Musca or Chibcha) nation of the province of Nueva Granada, were those of Sogamoso, Bogota and Chia, the lake of Fuquene, and the lake of Guatavita, that is distant two leagues from that pueblo, between very high hills; with so much beauty and so level a formation has Nature created it, that the water stretches for more than a league around. It is so very deep and so crystalline and limpid that a straw that fell into it sent out circles even to the edges of the strand…

“Humboldt visited the mystic lake, about 1830. I have already given his impression (in a page, supra).

Eight years later, Captain Charles Stuart Cochrane, R.N., was there, and he tells a very interesting story:  

“’ An old Spaniard, sounding in the center of the lake, drew up with the lead a small branch of a tree, in the mud round which was a golden image, worth 100 dollars. About the summit of the cone which forms the lagoon is an ancient Indian road, now quite neglected and overgrown with brushwood and trees. “

‘On the edge of the cone, we saw two of the sepulchers of the caciques, hewn out of sandstone rock. And there is said to be a cave connected with the worship of the Lagoon of Guatavita, at the entrance of which is said to have once been standing two golden figures, large as life. A Spanish soldier, who first wandered to the place, cut off one of the fingers, when he was seen and attacked by natives. He was wounded and hardly made his escape.

Related:  Oklahoma's Underground

“’ Having told what he had seen to a large body of Spaniards, they went well-armed to the spot but found neither figures nor cave. The Indians, hearing that a strong force was on the way, cleverly stopped up the cave and threw the golden statues into the lake.

“’ And as that lake is 1,000 yards wide and very deep, those gold statues have never been found!'”

Source: SECRET CITIES OF OLD SOUTH AMERICA”, Harold T. Wilkins; pages 201-202  

Let us know of any modern information

Location:  Columbia
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown

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