New York’s Underground

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Location: Adirondack Mountains (near Elizabethtown) New York
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown

Location: New York City New York
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: D.C.
Notes:  “in the vicinity of Midtown Manhattan that can be reached through an abandoned elevator shaft that only very few know about...” A large triangular system of tunnels utilized by a “masonic lodge”, deep below the surface of Manhattan.
Source: “Tunnels and Caverns Beneath New York City“, article by R. L. Blain-Sanders in the Fall, 1981 issue of SHAVERTRON MagazineCon …….    Edison, while drilling a test hole in the north end of East River Park, broke through to open space about 200 feet below, suggesting the existence of a large cavern below.

Source: uncertain Strange stories of several sub-basement levels descending below the rumors of descending sub-basements connecting with ancient tunnels and sub-basement levels controlled by the Federal government. Following the Twin Towers bombing, it was reported that 6 sub-levels controlled by the Secret Service were damaged.
Source:  THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR; various private news sources; The Episcopal Church of St. John the Divine at 103 St. and Amsterdam reportedly conceals the entrance to an underground cavern used by an occult lodge, an actual “city” leftover from former sub-inhabitants of the eastern seaboard during antediluvian/Atlantean times, and protected by “space-warping” technology.
Source: ENCYCLOPEDIA OF OCCULTISM & PARAPSYCHOLOGY, by Leslie A. Shepard, pp. 889-890; Maurice Doreal- LINCOLN TUNNEL – A man and his wife, traveling through winter snow, parked their car in the Lincoln tunnel to wipe the snow from off of the car and vanished without a trace.  John Grant

Location: Manchester New York
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  There have been rumors of a large stash of ancient records, engraved on metal plates, hidden within an underground room or cave in a hill called Cumorah, located near Manchester, Ontario county, New York. Supposedly left by a race of Hebrew descendants who migrated to the Americas in ancient times. Some have claimed that this story may be a fabrication based on the author’s creative imagination, as well as the lack of substantial evidence of his claims.  Whatever the case may be, the future should tell.
Source:  The JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES., Vol. 19., page 38.

Related:  1947: UNDERGROUND EMPIRE: The East Caves of Syracuse

Location: Montauk New York
Functions: Unknown
Levels: 8-9 levels
Tunnels to: Rochester and Rome
Notes:  An underground base 8-9 levels deep below Camp Hero at Montauk Point, Long Island, which is reportedly occupied by Ciakars from Alpha Draco, Greys from Rigel Orion, Black Ops & German Intelligence – Thule Society agents.

The Montauk mind control and space-time manipulation projects were based there and at 25 other bases around North America and reportedly involved over 25 thousand “abductees” who have been programmed to serve the as “sleeper” agents of the New World Order. The computer archives of the Montauk Project are housed in the underground facility near the Alsace-Lorraine region near the German-French border and is known as the Montauk Alsace Lorraine Time Archives [M.A.L.T.A.].

Entrances reportedly exist under the old 7-story Montauk Tower in the nearby town of Montauk;

  • near the Sage Radar Tower and buildings to the north;
  • under the old Montauk Air Force Station;
  • Block Island;
  • East Hampton;
  • in a hill near the Light House at Montauk ‘Point‘ itself;
  • in the cliffs overlooking the beaches near Camp Hero;
  • behind the so-called “cement bunkers” that have been sealed;
  • under the “mystery closets” which can be seen throughout the area; and connecting the basements of three [?] buildings – now demolished – in the Shadmoor area directly west of the Ditch Plains public bathhouse and parking lot;
  • an entrance near a boulder which sits along the west side of the SE entry road to the base; and also at Fort Pond Bay.

Source:  Preston Nicholes; Peter Moon; Duncan Cameron; Al Bielek; John Quinn; Michelle Guerin; Michael Ash; Mr. “X“; etc

Location: Plattsburgh AFB New York
Functions: Unknown
Levels: 18
Tunnels to: Rome and Montauk
Notes:  two saucer bases in this area.

Location: Rome New York
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Rochester and Montauk
Notes:  A very large underground facility located at the Rome National Air Base where is located a “Montauk Chair” similar to the one at the base under Montauk Point, Long Island. An underground tunnel with electric cars reportedly connects this facility.
Source:  Mr. X

Related:  Project Superman 2a

Location: Rochester New York
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Rome and Montauk
Notes:  smaller facility, entrance allegedly being located under the Andrews Street bridge. 
Source:  Mr. X

Location: Standish near Seneca Lake – Adirondack Mountains New York
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  A woodsman discovers an interesting and very large cavern.

Location: Syracuse New York
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  Miss Kemp had written that “a group of us are planning to visit the east this summer and wish to explore caverns known as ‘the East Caves of Syracuse.’ These caves are said to be the western entrance to the subterranean passage which extended under the Atlantic Ocean to the British Isles. Parts of the cavern system have collapsed – one as recently as 1928 – so that it is now impossible to travel in them. However, the entrances remain intact.”
Source:  “UNDERGROUND EMPIRE” (pages 199-201)

Location: New York
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown

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