(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page # 7a

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

“During the Third Reich even ‘the party liners‘ who lived around ‘the death camps‘ were reluctant to believe that ‘their government‘ could commit such horrendous crimes as were discovered after the invasion of Germany.

Yet, although they heard faint screams in the far distance and cries for help — they SHUT THEIR EARS TO IT. Even though they saw carloads of people by the thousands going into the concentration camps — and none return — THEY SHUT THEIR EYES TO IT. Even when they saw billows of smoke belch from the bowels of the burners and smelt the stiff strong stench of burning flesh — THEY SHUT THEIR SENSES TO IT. And, in spite of the fact rumor had it that ‘unspeakable horrors’ were going on in the ‘killing camps‘ – THEY SHUT THEIR MINDS TO IT.

“Those that asked local government officials, like yourself, WHAT WAS GOING ON were told that it was all ‘TOP SECRET’ and involved ‘NATIONAL SECURITY’…..and NOT TO QUESTION AUTHORITY. Then one day when the war came to a close and the truth was unearthed, the ‘party people‘ acted shocked when it became public that millions had been mass-murdered.

They just couldn’t believe that genocide, infanticide, and homicide could have been not only allowed but carried out to the last deadly detail by other ‘party liners‘ in the government who just went along…… saw nothing, said nothing and did nothing.“When it came time for the TRIAL at Nuremberg, Mrs. Cafferata, the ‘Vun, Vurid, Vurkers‘ who ran the killer concentration camps at Auschwitz and Dachau — ‘CLAIMED INNOCENCE’. Even those ‘party people‘ who shoved and shoveled their victims into those carnivorous crematoriums – ‘CLAIMED INNOCENCE’. THEY SAID THEY WERE JUST OBEYING ORDERS. They said they were merely carrying out the MASTER PLAN — for the Master Race.

“I am not accusing you of any crime, Mrs. Cafferata. It is possible that you could just be so inordinately apathetic or just so blindly obeying orders that you cannot see, or simply refuse to open your eyes to what’s going on. Or do you ‘CLAIM INNOCENCE’, Mrs. Cafferata? The Attorney General’s office will be the judge of that. It is the A.G.’s responsibility to determine if any crimes have been, or are now being committed or allowed ‘to be committed‘ by your office. Ultimately, any decision with regards to the ‘wholesale abuse of the law‘ is made by the prosecution who tries the case, be it in a court of law or before the bar of public opinion…”

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 7f

“Sincerely, Anthony J. Hilder – RADIO FREE AMERICA”

Perhaps those of us who read these words should heed the battle-cry of the Jews when they say: “NEVER AGAIN!!!”

In the early 1990’s an avowed high-level Intelligence Worker in the U.S. Government who refers to himself only as “Commander X”, for his own protection, ‘spilled the beans’ on a key secret concerning the interaction and conflict taking place below the Mojave Desert, against the Gray Empire which had entrenched itself in the subterranean levels of the Southwest:

commanderx_dulce11“The underground…base outside of Dulce, New Mexico, is perhaps the one MOST FREQUENTLY referred to. Its existence is most widely known, including several UFO abductees who have apparently been taken there for examination and then either managed to escape or were freed just in the nick of time by friendly…forces.

“According to UFO conspiracy buff and ex-Naval Intelligence Officer Milton (William) Cooper, ‘…a confrontation broke out between the human scientists and the Aliens at the Dulce underground lab. The Aliens took many of our scientists as hostages. Delta Forces were sent in to free them but they were no match for the Alien weapons. Sixty-six people were killed during this action. As a result, we withdrew from all joint projects for at least two years…’

“CENTURIES AGO, SURFACE PEOPLE (some say the ILLUMINATI) entered into a pact with an ‘Alien nation‘ HIDDEN WITHIN THE EARTH.” Commander X alleges. “The U.S. Government, in 1933, agreed to trade animals in exchange for high-tech knowledge, and to allow them to use (undisturbed) UNDERGROUND BASES, in the Western U.S.A. A special group was formed to deal with the ‘Alien’ beings. In the 1940s ‘Alien Life Forms‘ (ALF) began shifting their focus of operations, FROM CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA, TO THE U.S.A.

“The CONTINENTAL DIVIDE is vital to these ‘entities.’ Part of this has to do with magnetics (substrata rock) and high energy states (plasma)… This area has a very high concentration of lightning activity; underground waterways and cavern systems; fields of atmospheric ions; etc…”

The following is taken from an article by ‘TAL’ LeVesque, titled ‘THE COVERT RETURN OF AN ALIEN SPECIES OF REPTILIAN HERITAGE – THE DULCE BASE,’ which appeared in a mailer-newsletter distributed by researcher Patrick O’Connel:

Related:  Chapter 7 - My 10 year investigation of the group that has no name

According to TAL, ages ago “…a CONFLICT with other beings (ELs) destroyed most of their (Reptilian) civilization, which forced some into DEEP CAVERNS & others to LEAVE EARTH (to Alpha Draconis and/or Altair in the constellation Aquila, which in ancient lore was associated with evil reptilian creatures)… The conflict is a Species War, between the Evadamic Seed & the ‘Serpent‘ (draconian) Seed.”

(Note: Researcher Maurice Doreal claims that this “conflict” took place between giant humans or ‘ELs’ working with PRE- NORDICS based in the Gobi region of Asia several thousand years ago, and Reptilian hominoids based in Antarctica! – Branton)

“Undercover of darkness, with bases hidden inside the earth, this nocturnal invader has chosen to reclaim what was once theirs & use it (and us) as a staging area in their ancient conflict with the ‘ELs‘.

(Note: That is, the reptilians wish to ‘reclaim’ that which they WANT US TO BELIEVE was once theirs. The ‘ELs’ is the so-named EL-der race, a human-like culture tied into the Evadamic heritage yet who have attained or retained a very tall physical stature, in some cases being twice as tall as the average ‘International’ or ‘surface’ Terran. Because of their physical differences, they have chosen to inhabit ex-Terran, sub-Terran, and according to some other dimensional realms so as not to induce irrational fear or worship of themselves by their more diminutive human cousins – Branton)

“Humans with alien brain implants (the ‘zombies‘) have been programmed to help overthrow Mankind in the NEAR FUTURE. The ‘Reptoids‘ are even able TO TRANSFORM THEMSELVES INTO BEINGS WITH HUMAN CHARACTERISTICS & FEATURES. The planet Earth is being stressed so that human resistance will be minimal, during the overt takeover & control of Mankind.

“It started as a ‘joint interaction program.’ An Alien Species wanted to ‘share‘ parts of its advanced technology with certain humans in KEY POSITIONS OF POWER within government, military, corporations, ‘secret societies’, etc… The population as a whole began to be manipulated into the ‘Alien Agenda’… they wanted TOTAL CONTROL of us!”

(Note: When this was written, the real name of the ‘source’ of information described in the following paragraph was withheld and known only as “T.C.” or “Thomas C.”. We have now been authorized to reveal the full name of the former Dulce Base worker as being Thomas Edwin Castello, who possessed a LEVEL-7 “ULTRA” security clearance within the Dulce facility, and who was, in fact, a head of Security within the underground installation. There are unconfirmed reports that Thomas Castello, after years in hiding, has finally passed away in Costa Rica. Whether or not his alleged death had anything to do with his intimate knowledge of the underground bases, is not known – Branton)

Related:  Chapter 14 - The Coming Chaos

“…T.C (had) seen tall Reptilian Humanoids at the base. This is interesting to me because in 1979 I came face-to-face with the over 6 foot tall ‘Other‘ Species (REPTOIDS) which materialized in our home! They took blood from my wife (who is an Rh-negative blood type); & her daughter, who was 1500 miles away.

“…We all came to know that the ‘Visitors‘ were here to stay. We also learned how the Reptilian Race was RETURNING to Earth & the ‘Greys‘ — who are mercenaries — WERE BEING USED to an interface (with) & manipulate hu-mans. Their DEMONIC AGENDA was to keep the earth surface (mankind) CONFUSED & unaware of their true nature & potential… ALSO (to conceal) THE KNOWLEDGE OF VAST & VARIED CIVILIZATIONS LIVING WITHIN THE EARTH.

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