– Tradition holds that before the British govt. sealed up several tunnels, one could walk from one end of Malta to the other underground. One of the labyrinths, discovered by excavators, is the Hypogeum of Sal Saflini [or Saflienti!?], in which excavators discovered the bones of over 33,000 people who had been sacrificed by an ancient pagan neolithic cult. National Geographic, Aug. 1940 issue, told of several school children who had disappeared without a trace in the Hypogeum. British embassy worker Miss Lois Jessup convinced a guide to allow her to explore a 3-ft. square “burial chamber” next to the floor of the lowest room in the last [3rd] sub-level of the catacombs.

He reluctantly agreed and she crawled through the passage until emerging on a cavern ledge overlooking a deep chasm. In total shock, she saw a procession of TALL humanoids with white hair covering their bodies walking along another ledge about 50 feet down on the opposite wall of the chasm. Sensing her they collectively lifted their palms in her direction at which a strong “wind” began to blow through the cavern and something big, “slippery and wet” moved past her before she left in terror to the lower room, where the guide gave her a “knowing” look.

Later she returned after the 30 school children and their teacher[s] had disappeared in the same passage that she had explored, only to find a new guide who denied any knowledge of the former guides’ employment there. She heard reports however that after the last child had passed through the “burial chamber” and out onto the ledge, a “cave-in” collapsed the burial chamber and the rope connecting them to the lower chamber was later found to be “cut clean“. Grieving Mothers of several of the children swore that for a week or more following the disappearance they could hear their children crying and screaming “as if from underground“. Other sources state that an underground connection exists or did exist between Malta and reaches hundreds of miles and intersects the catacombs below the hill Vaticanus in Rome.
source: THE REALITY OF THE CAVERN WORLD, by Riley Crabb; Commander X; NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC magazine, Aug. 1940

Related:  Project Redbook: R


– An ancient network of tunnels and crawl ways discovered beneath a parking lot in Crofton during excavations. The artificial tunnels were reportedly covered by subsequent construction.
source: THE WASHINGTON STAR NEWS, July 25, 1973, & Aug. 15, 1973


– “Cavernous subterranean expanses” existing beneath the National Security Agency’s headquarters, filled with over 10 acres of the most sophisticated supercomputers money can buy, which monitor global telephone, telegraph, telex, fax, radio, TV, microwave, internet and other forms of communication.
source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard Sauder


– Located on Riggs Road, off of Rt. 108, this underground facility is maintained by FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency]. Long lines of cars have been seen heading through the gate at shift change, in spite of the surface illusion of vacancy and disrepair, vehicles that pass through an electronic surveillance area and disappear behind a knoll in the near distance. At least 10 levels deep, and several electronic surveillance facilities, with possible NSA connections.
source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard Sauder




– Ervin M. Scott claimed to have intercepted an electronically augmented telepathic transmission from a woman, a cavern-dweller under the Salt Lake flats of Utah, whose people were under siege by the “evil ones“. She urgently warned about a woman who was abducted into tunnels/caverns beneath an abbey in the north section of Boston 3 weeks earlier [the 1st church of Roxbury is located in the north section of the city and is by far the oldest “Abby” in Boston]. Another “voice” breaks in on the “transmission” and tells Ervin not to believe the former woman’s voice, stating, “Don’t you know this is a lie? a trick?”, and then warningly, “keep quiet about this!”.
source: SEARCH magazine, July 1964


– Underground FEMA facility.
source: Richard Sauder


– Frank J. Mezta of Calexico, California tells of his visit to the “enchanted caves” in Mexico’s interior. The first attempt to enter the cave was halted by his premonition of disaster, the second attempt succeeded, however, they gave up when they labyrinth became too complex to navigate with the supplies they had.

Related:  Project Redbook: Z

On the way out they found another tunnel that seemed to appear from nowhere, however after hours of downward winding travel with no end in sight they gave up and returned to the surface. Mezta later heard of an American man who had hired about 2 dozen locals to investigate the cave, 10 or 15 years before.

They saw deep inside the cavern “a man with a bulls head” standing next to a “naked midget“. Several of the men tried to fire their guns but they all jammed, and the lights went out. Several men were killed or disappeared in the ensuing confusion and only a few made it back to the surface alive.
source: THE HIDDEN WORLD, issue 8-A


– “Prof. Hapgood” discovered a stone staircase leading into the earth in central Mexico, now filled with hard=packed volcanic material. He concluded that it is very ancient and must lead somewhere. The site is located on the “Mizquiz” property.
source: I.N.F.O. JOURNAL, Vol. 2, No.2


– An anonymous writer, claiming the power to induce a deep trance in most hypnotic subjects, instructed one woman while in a trance to remote-project from her body and visit a mountain outside of Mexico City. When asked if there was a cave in the mountain she said: “I’m inside. Oh! It’s walls glow… there’s a shaft going down… its walls are smooth like the inside of a piston shaft of a car… I’m there [at the bottom of the shaft]. There is evil down here!” When bringing her back into her body [difficult] she said, “I’ve been somewhere I shouldn’t”, shaking and crying, and she also stated that a battle was taking place in her mind, which she eventually won. [Others who have reportedly remote-viewed underground facilities like Dulce, Pine Gap, Cheyenne Mountain and others state that many of the bases – especially the alien interaction ones – simultaneously exist in the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions and are equipped with “magnetic traps” designed to capture “astral spies” who might try to probe their secrets].
source: AMAZING STORIES magazine, July 1947


– Ancient city SE of Oaxaca, once containing a temple with three sub-basements, the lowest containing a stone door leading to an ancient underground concourse, wherein “sacrifices” would be made to the “gods” of the underworld by sealing the victims behind the stone door. After some priests entered the cavern centuries ago, they emerged convinced that it was the gate to Hades, and ordered the natives to fill-in all 3 sub-basements.
source: Charles Marcoux

Related:  Project Redbook: O


– A cave in a mountain 5 miles south of Ojinaga is believed to be the abode of devil-men who control the minds of witches in the area, who make frequent pilgrimages to the site.
source: “Pilgrimage to the Devil“, article by Walley George in FATE Magazine, Aug. 1957 issue.


– A canyon near the old city allegedly holds a cave that leads to the ancient underground city of Cihuatlan.
source: THE HIDDEN CITY OF CIHUATLAN, by Charles A. Marcoux


– Underground FEMA facility.
source: Richard Sauder


– A WWII trainee claimed to have discovered a small underground passage near [west of?] Redwood Falls, which led to an ancient tiled concourse and to an underground alien realm. He spoke of the “deros” and “teros” and stated that he emerged 6 months later with a “tero” woman who became his wife, with no intention of returning, although both lived in fear as if they were constantly being watched or followed.
source: letter sent to Richard Shaver [circa 1950s]


– Rumors of a “haunted” cave or mine in the area[?].
source: unspecified


– Somewhere on the Missouri River near Kansas city a man explored a cave in the side of a steep embankment on somewhere on the river’s edge. He was terrified by a tall creature with cat or lizard like eyes, who had apparently been living in the cave or possibly had come from the river itself.
source: Charles Marcoux

 Project Redbook: N

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