WASHINGTON D.C. – The House of the Temple, the Scottish Rite Masonic headquarters, sits atop the pentagram-like street layout of Washington D.C. and reportedly connects to ancient glazed tunnels built by “Atlanteans” in antediluvian times, and also connections to a massive cavern called “NOD” where the NSA, Sirians, and other alien species collaborate in an agenda of global domination. Several D.C. buildings are reportedly connected by underground tunnels, both ancient and modern.

source: Jon Singer; Richard Toronto; WEIRD AMERICA, by Jim Brandon


WASHINGTON STATE, ELLENSBURG – Mel Waters tells of a “bottomless shaft” in the Manastash Ridge near Ellensburg, about 10 feet wide. Also nicknamed Hell’s Hole. One man claims to have dropped an old refrigerator down the shaft but did not hear it hit. Also reports of military men in the area, and residents who were told not to talk about the subject, also rumors that the U.S. military paid the discoverer a “fortune” to shut up about shaft and “disappear”.

source: STRANGE UNIVERSE, April 22, 1997; Art Bell’s DREAMLAND radio program


WASHINGTON, FORT LEWIS – Many reports state that the Madigan military hospital 50 miles south of Seattle is being used by aliens [reptilian] to process military personnel into an alien agenda. The hospital is very high-tech with at least 3 underground levels that are off limits to both civilian and military personnel. Many claim that most of the workers at this Army hospital are “not human”, and a powerful electromagnetic field has been reported within and surrounding the hospital area. The nearby Ft. Lewis has been implicated in certain New World Order predatory activities.

source: Article by Val Valerian in THE LEADING EDGE magazine


WASHINGTON, TACOMA – A strange hole in the back yard of Jim and Harriet Johnson’s home, which “devours” everything thrown into it. Cavers explored the hole and saw 3 cone-shaped stones that they could not explain. The Johnson’s built a deck over the hole and planned to sell the house, after former owners related their own experiences. The original owner told of being lowered down the hole only to have his oil lamp sucked out of his hands, while another told of filling the hole with marble and ‘all kinds of stuff’, but the hole ‘erupted’ spewing stuff all over. Another filled the hole with old tires, but the hole seemed to consume the tires, which began sinking out of site.


source: EVERETT HERALD [Everett Washington], March 17, 1980


WASHINGTON, YAKIMA – An alien base reportedly lies below the Yakima Indian Reservation SE of Tacoma, Washington.

source: THE HOLLOW HASSLE Newsletter, Vol.2, No.2


WEST VIRGINIA, BRAXTON/WEBSTER COUNTIES – The area bordered by Newville on the west, Helvetia on the east, Cleveland on the north and Hacker Valley on the south [Braxton & Webster counties] contain many subsurface anomalies according to the late husband of British Canadian Joan Howard, an abductee whose husband did survey work in the area. He told of strange caverns in the area with strange sounds of voices and machinery emerging from within as if beyond the walls, caves containing strange hieroglyphic writings, a pipe that stands out of the ground FAR from any industrial area which ejects a gas flame upwards, a cavern with a deep chasm near which at least one man vanished [from his sleeping bag at night outside the entrance], and one cavernous labyrinth deep within which one man encountered a woman with no hair who spoke to him in an unknown language, yet being unable to understand him she gave up and disappeared into the depths of the labyrinth.



WEST VIRGINIA, POINT PLEASANT – 7 ft. tall reptilian humanoids with 10 ft.-span wings and glowing red hypnotic eyes were observed by several dozen witnesses near Point Pleasant and surrounding communities in the mid 1960’s. One of the most concentrated encounter areas was the so-called TNT area where concrete domes led to several miles of underground tunnels where explosives were stored during WWII. Some young people observed one of the creatures which they chased into one of the “domes” which covered the now “capped” tunnel entrances, however when they entered the dome the creature had vanished. These creatures were described as being something similar to a cross between a humanoid and a pterodactyl, and have been referred to as the Mothmen, Winged Dracos, Winged Serpents, Gargoyles, or Ciakars. John Keel visited the TNT area personally and discovered one large circular area where an almost PHYSICAL atmosphere of terror gripped him and did not leave until he left the “circle”.

Related:  Project Redbook: T

source: THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES, by John A. Keel


WEST VIRGINIA, WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS – A large C.O.G. [Continuity Of Government] facility exists beneath the Greenbrier Hotel, containing living quarters to house 800 people, meeting rooms and banks of computers and communications equipment, 250 miles SW of Washington D.C. in the Allegheny mountains. Also a large dormitory, infirmary, shower facilities, television studio, phone booths, dining areas, power plant, etc.

source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard Sauder


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