Then came a night I will not soon forget. It was the same situation as when they threw me out of the plane. Only this time it was dusk. I remember a man throwing me out of the plane. I am falling, I don’t know where I am, I can’t see the ground. Everything goes black. I flash into “my room” in my mind I am hurt very badly. My legs are not working, I cannot make it into the pool. It is hard to breathe. Somehow I manage to pull my self into the pool. I am hurt very badly. I reach for the “super top secret green formula” which is duck taped to the poster board.

If I break it the healing pool will become one hundred million times more powerful then it already is. I grab it with almost my last breath and break it open. The pool instantly turns from yellow to green and starts to bubble violently. Heal, heal, heal, I tell myself. Everything goes black. I see my body, I am floating upwards above it. My eyes and mouth are open and expressionless. My back is twisted like a question mark. “NOOOOO” I scream. Everything is black again.

I hear voices, they are saying “I SAW HIM MOVE” then another voice says “Don’t be ridiculous he is as dead as they come.” Then the first voice again “I’M TELLING YOU I SAW HIM MOVE.” All is quiet and black for a long while. I open my eyes, everything is black, but not quite as black as before. Some light is coming from the sides. Something is on top of me, and it is very cold. With my left arm, I try and move this thing that is on top of me. I grab it, it is made of plastic.

I remember the texture of the plastic as it has become semi-ridged from the cold temperature. It is thin plastic yet it was not fragile. It was made of dark plastic. They had laid some kind of body bag on top of me, to cover me. I push it aside with ease. I cannot move but I am looking up toward the sky. I remember it was a crystal clear night and the stars looked magnificent. Then I tried to move, I managed to roll over on to my left side. Then I put my right hand on the ground and tried to push my self up.

Related:  Project Superman 10a


After the cracking and popping had stopped I paused for a moment in the position that I was in. That moment seemed to last forever, and it felt like a “crossroads” in my life. I remember thinking “GET UP! JUST GET UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT!. STAND UP!” and I stood up. I was all right, I was somehow all right, I have no idea how or why but I was all right. I looked around, it was night. I was in the middle of a field, just like the one I had jumped into before during the day. I am standing but my vision is very hazy.

It is very difficult to make out objects. All to my right and up a slight incline is a group of men. All I can see is their shadows as they are standing in a circle and there is a lantern in the middle of them. I would estimate 10 to 15 men in all. I start walking towards the group.

In the dark, I pass two men walking away from the group. As I pass them I casually say “What’s up” and they acknowledge me with a similar response. When I get to the group I stand about a foot and a half behind and in between two men. Like a curious kid, I am sticking my head in trying to listen in.

I see Adolph getting his ass chewed out by another man who I had never seen before. This guy was dressed implacably in a good suit and overcoat. He is screaming at the man with Adolph “YOU CALL THIS A DEMONSTRATION! YOU DRAG ME OUT HERE TO WATCH YOU COMMIT MURDER ON A COLLEGE KID!. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR F*CKING MIND?” and he was going on and on.

Just at that point, the man directly to my left looks at me. His face turns as white as a ghost. His mouth is open with a cigarette stuck to his lip. I am looking at him and I ask “What’s going on?” He, in turn, hits the man to his left. The man to his left is ignoring him, so he hits him again. Finally, he gets his attention and he turns to the man who is hitting him and says “WHAT” and the first man points to me. The second man sees me and his face turns as white as a ghost.

Related:  Project Superman 10c

The second man then yells to Adolph, and he repeats himself until he gets his attention. The second man then points to me. Adolph then turns as white as a ghost. By now everyone is looking at me and all conversation has stopped. Everyone is looking at me so I turn around to see what they are looking at, but all I can see is darkness. So I turn around and say “What the f*ck is everybody looking at?” The Adolph comes over to me and grabs the lantern on his way over. He spins me around to examine my back. He sees that I am all right and he asks me “What happened” and I say with all my sincerity “I’LL TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENED! SOME ASS-HOLE JUST PUSHED ME OUT OF A F*CKING PLANE.” My tone then sobers and I say “I couldn’t see the ground, and I wrecked, I almost didn’t make it.

At that point the two men who I had passed in the dark come back to the circle and start yelling “ALL RIGHT WHO HAS BEEN F*CKING AROUND WITH THE BODY.” They then see me and their mouths drop wide open. Adolph tells me he wants to introduce me to someone. He brings me over to the well-dressed man and like a proud father introduces me.

Project Superman 10c

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