They simply enter into a gang where the odds of then being shot and killed are vastly higher than anywhere else. They do this because they TRULY BELIEVE this is their fate. If you ask the average 40 or 50-year-old adult if they have achieved their goals in life and what they dreamed of becoming as a child, 95 percent would say “no“. And then you ask them “why not??

What’s stopping you?” Most would give some economic reason or they would say “I’m too old”.. or “I missed my chance!” “WHY CAN’T YOU GO AFTER YOUR DREAM!… WHO SAYS… THAT YOU CANNOT DO IT! YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD AND IT IS NEVER TOO LATE!” I say and I believe.

Life all boil’s down to fear, and whether or not you really have the courage to find out what you are really made of! That’s why most adults find themselves in a job they really aren’t happy with and yet they don’t diverge into anything else, or they stay in an unhappy marriage for years and years. Why? Because of fear! The fear of being alone, fear of making changes, fear of taking risks, fear of failing. Earlier I had talked about how the coaches told me that I wasn’t running as fast as the 40 times indicated, and after a while, I started to believe them, and as a result, I unconsciously slowed down.

This is what I mean. By the time someone becomes an adult they have already started to “slow down“. Society has already set up the parameters of their fate, and they have mentally accepted it. But as children, none of these restrictive parameters apply. A young mind is like a damp sponge ready to absorb any information you drop on it.

I had already absorbed the fact that I could not breathe underwater, and this fact could not be “undone“, therefore when they put me in the tank and sealed the lid, I drowned. It would, however, be a very interesting experiment to see what would happen if you took a child as a baby and raised them in a world where they did not ever learn the “parameters” of this world.

Related:  Project Superman 11b

The restrictions and the laws of physics. How would they turn out? This is basically what they are doing, with the small oversight that they are doing it with the youth of America, WITH the written consent of the United States Military/Government. After each shock episode when I regained consciousness, I would try to escape. Each time I would get a little farther down the hall, and after each time I seemed to be a little stronger.

One time as men are grabbing me I threw a few of them off me and Adolph grabs me. I could not break his grasp, and we fell to the ground. As he is holding me he said: “Rhino, it’s me, your safe, Rhino Iím your father!” I specifically remember I said “You’re not my father, my father lives in Connecticut and get your hands off me you f*cking asshole” and I spit right in his left eye. As we were struggling, someone stuck me in the ass with a syringe and I blacked out. One time I remember waking up and now in the lab are several men. I get off the table and I am standing.

They try and force me to the ground. “NO” I scream and all of a sudden it was like I had the strength of ten men. I threw those two to the ground and then three more grab me and I am wrestling with them three more grabbed me. Some around my waist some around my body and they are trying to get me to the ground. I am freaking out and fighting back with all my might. I would throw them off me like they were the size of 5-year-olds but like ants, they kept swarming on me and no matter how many I threw off more were always on me.

There were at least six guys on me and they thought I was spent, but I had paused for that exact reason.

Then in one burst, I was driving with all my might towards the man in the blue lab coat. I got to only a few feet away when they wrestled me to the ground and stuck me in the ass again with the syringe. Just before they stuck me, and then after but before I blacked out again. I remember the men screaming “hurry up.. and just stick him anywhere“. Then as the drugs disabled me to move I could still hear them for a minute or two. It was black but I could still hear then talking and one guy said “Jesus! that was like trying to wrestle a bull for Christ’s sake” and the other guy says “I don’t know about a bull but how about a Rhino.”

Related:  Project Superman 11a

Project Superman 12

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