So I join the pack of people that are heading up toward the stage (because he is selecting about 30 people to go up). I get all the way up to the stage and sit in one of the fold-out chairs they have on stage. He then is about to start the show when a man in a Green army uniform then comes over to the side of the stage and tell the stage hypnotist that I cannot participate. And the guy tells me that I must go back to my seat. I remember being humiliated as I had to walk all the way back to my seat in front of the crowd.

As I was walking back I start yelling “THEY DON’T WANT ME.” I say. During the whole show, I’m very pissed off. After the show, I remember going up to the performer and telling him that “I am a victim of a government hypnosis mind control experiment and can he help me?” My father is right there for all of this. The hypnotist then asks me “Who is doing this to you?” and I point to the two men leaning up against the wall (it’s Mr. Green and the man with the white hair, Adolph), then he did something, either brought out his watch on a string or said something to me and zap I am under his spell.

I remember introducing my father to both Adolph and Mr. Green, we were right there in the cafeteria against the wall then they made us follow them into a more quiet place. There I think they made my father forget the whole incident and made me shut the hell up. To this day when I ask my father about the stage hypnotist at parents weekend freshmen year he vaguely remembers the event, being there, but that’s it. Nothing about meeting the men against the wall and nothing about going to a more secure place to erase his memory.

I remember walking back to my room from practice one day and a kid, a skinny kid (about 180 pounds), comes up to me in front of my dorm room and says “Your Andy Pero right?” and I say “Yes“. Then he says “You live with Brian XXXXXX from Irondequoit right?” and I say “YES“. Then he says “I DON’T KNOW WHO THE HELL YOUR ROOMMATE IS BUT I’M BRIAN XXXXXX FROM IRONDIQUITE!” I say “don’t be ridicules you don’t look anything like Brian XXXXXX from Irondiquite.”

Related:  Project Superman 13b

I go inside and tell my roommate Brian “Hey Brian some kid out in the parking lot says he is you” and I start laughing. He says what kid, and I point at him through the window. My roommate runs out the door and goes out to talk to the kid. I never saw that kid again. I remember Mrs. Purrizzo and the woman with the black hair coming up to Rochester several times and wanting me to take her and her friend to a hotel room.

I told her that I could not because I already had a girlfriend, and that it wouldn’t be right and because I wouldn’t want it done to me. She said that I was more addictive, then pure cocaine, and she is addicted. She must have me. Again I told her no. She and her friend came up 3 or 4 times. I let them buy me dinner once, but that was it.

Project Superman 13b

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