Once after I had shot them down, they met some of the seniors on the football team out at a local bar and had made it with them, and I heard about it. They gave me a lot of shit about it because I must have been crazy because these women were beautiful. So why did I shoot them down? They kept asking me and I would just tell them that it was a long story. One of the most disturbing memories I have about school is I remember people coming forward to try and help me. I remember a physics professor coming up to me and talking to me about what the were doing to me.

How he had figured out the jump in Wilson Commons should have for all intents and purposes killed me. How I was going close to 32 feet sec/sec. And how the military probably was having me jump off high things and out of planes. And he asked if he was right. Then he told me not to tell anyone but they were organizing a case against the government. What Adolph had done to me was to instruct me that if ANYONE started asking ANY questions that I would immediately report this back to him with all the names, and details of the questions and what was said during the whole conversation.

I couldn’t control my self. I couldn’t NOT tell him, I had no control. So everyone that tried to help me I turned them in and ratted them out. I remember the physics professor disappearing. I remember the dean and a few others trying to help me, and then I ratted them out as well. I remember running across campus. As soon as I would see them coming for me, I would just start running. I would just take off and as I ran in between people some would yell “RUN ANDY RUN.”

I remember jumping over things and off ledges as they chased me. The thing is I would always run home, I would run home to Brian. Second semester (after Christmas break and after Hell week in my fraternity) about mid-February Brian starts me on Steroids. He convinces me that it’s the best thing for me and I go along with it without any argument.

Related:  Project Superman 13c

He is a steroid guru and starts to explain all the different options I have. I tell him that I didn’t know that much about it, so he tries to explain the different injection options. Where you can take straight testosterone or what’s better is to take a “cocktail” of different drugs to have maximum effect.

I tell him that I want just the straight testosterone but he gets me the cocktail anyway. I object but seem to have no choice but to go along with it. Next, he tells me you should “stack” your cycle. What this means is that along with the injections you should also take an oral steroid as well on top of your injection. The way he explained it was that the injection was going to be for “bulk” and the oral was to “cut you up” (to give your muscles definition at the same time). And of course, I go along with the pills as well as the needle. A “normal” cycle of steroids consists of taking the drugs for an eight-week cycle. Then if you want to continue you need to take eight weeks off.

And then repeat the cycle. A normal cycle of testosterone consists of 1 cc per week for eight weeks. My cycle consisted of 1 cc the first week, 1 1/2 cc’s the second week. 2 cc’s the third week, 2 1/2 cc’s the four weeks, 3 cc’s the 5th and 6th week, then 2 cc’s the 7th week and finally 1 cc the 8th wee. The pills were very small and they were pink.

The needles were 1 1/2 inches long used for deep muscle injection, what the liquid they were injecting me with was I have no idea. The little pink pills I didn’t think could do much for me, I was supposed to take two per day, I was taking two per hour, and then when mine ran out I started stealing Brian’s. By the end of my sixth week, my muscles had grown so much and they were so tight that the needle would not go through my skin. It was like trying to put a needle into the wood, and that was with the muscle in my leg being relaxed. I was also having severe chest pains.

Related:  Project Superman 13a

My heartfelt like it was going to explode so I never finished the steroid cycle. The massive steroid doses are just about the time I was being pushed out of the airplanes. So for some reason, Brian gets on my case about not finishing the steroid cycle. “Dude finish your cycle! you have got to finish your cycle!. And don’t masturbate so much” he tells me. How would he know what I do, he was never there when I gave my self the injection or if I masturbated.

They must have a camera in my room. I remember searching the room and finding a camera in the light where they had been watching me. As soon as I found the camera some men came pounding on my door and that’s all I remember. I remember Brian and his girlfriend Gwen. The first eight weeks of the second semester Brian was never there.

I had the room to my self. Totally by my self. The second eight weeks Gwen had moved in. She was always there and let me tell you this was annoying. Gwen made several passes at me, and I turned her down every time. After the school year was almost over Brian and Gwen sit me down and he tells me “Dude, this is going to blow your mind, but we are not really boyfriend and girlfriend.”

Project Superman 13c

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