What do you mean?” I ask. “We have been assigned together, and we have been watching you.” “Who has been watching me?” I ask. “The people we work for,” he says. “Which is who,” I ask. He says “Dude who do you think runs the country“. “The government” I answer. They both start laughing, “Dude are you ignorant enough to believe that the country is really run by the government! The country is really run by special interest groups, very very powerful groups and they want you to be a part of their group. They want to bring you into their family!”

When I heard that my head started to spin and I blacked out. After I came around, I went for a walk. My head was still spinning, I didn’t know what to do, when I went back to my room the man with the white hair was there, I tried to run but he said the “magic” word and I was helpless to move, and I forgot all about it for years.

I also remember being in a trial, being on the witness stand. I am talking but I don’t know what is coming out of my mouth. People start screaming at me as I am talking but I don’t know what I am saying. They are yelling “he is brainwashed“. It was the trial of the girl who was killed when they were chasing me across campus. The next time on the stand a man stands up all by himself and “whacks” two blocks of wood together. I snap out of it and the crowd is going crazy. I believed it was the trial of the girl and they made me say that the girl was killed in the name of “national security“.

When the man whacked the blocks together the man with the white hair quickly gets me off the stand and gets me out of there. That’s all I remember, the man with the two blocks, and people starting to scream when they heard what was coming out of my mouth. I think all of my friends as well as the whole campus thought that I was working for the FBI or something.

Related:  Project Superman 13b

The Big tank- Back at the Big lab the experiments that followed were on a much higher scale of sophistication compared to when we first started. I believe that this is about the time they were giving me the massive steroid injections.

One of the first things they did to me was they brought me into another room. There is this huge tub of water. Approximately 7 feet deep (because I could not touch) and about 7 feet across (like a huge square). They bring me up to the platform, and the man with the white hair tells me I’m going to take a swim. He tells me to strip down to my underwear and then instructs me that the water is the same temperature as “a nice warm hot bath.” I get in and spend hours splashing around and actually enjoying it. I know it had to be hours because there were at least 10 people or so watching me for the first few minutes or so. I’m a “pool hound” to begin with so naturally, I’m hamming it up, splashing around, doing some short laps, etc. Every time I grabbed the side of the tub they got very upset (by they I mean everyone who was watching me would yell out all at once “DON’T TOUCH THE SIDE“).

OK, I said. Why? I ask. “Because we are trying to see how long you can tread water” they answered. “OK“, I answered and continued to play in the tub, it was like a game to me. After a while, the people started to filter out, and after a very long while they were all gone except one guy in the baby blue lab coat. He was sitting all the way against the back far wall leaning his chair up against the wall. He says to me “I’ll be right back.”

Where are you going?” I ask. “To get a sandwich, I’ll be right back and don’t you f*cking move.” He leaves and now I am alone. Now minutes seem like hours as I am alone treading water in this huge steel “can” and I look at my hands and they are all “pruny” so I say to myself self “screw this” and I get out of the tub. I walk around the lab and nothing interests me, so when I walk into the hallway.

Related:  Project Superman 13a

Someone sees me and screams at me “why are you out of the tub?” and all of a sudden people start running towards me from everywhere. “I’m bored, can you get me a raft of something,” I ask. Adolph starts half yelling and half laughing at me and I get back in again. They bring me one of those “kickboards” which you see at the YMCA during swim class which are in the shape of a tombstone. I ask for two and a football.

Project Superman 14

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