This is on a Tuesday, the doctor wanted to see me the next day but he was booked through Friday, the assistant made room for me to see him on Thursday. I leave very confused, still having no clear memories as to what’s going on and no memories of any of the government experiments or the Illuminati or the underground bases.

The thing is I go home and what do I do, I go right over to my best friends apartment (Aaron) and tell him the whole story about what happened at the hypnotherapist and the memory cap. He starts to FREAK OUT, “you went to a hypnotherapist, WHEN?” And let me tell you he was PISSED! I remember being very confused because I still didn’t make the connection.

I remember going into his apartment, telling him what happened, he gets very angry, but after that, there was “lost time.” It was between 3:00 and 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon when I went over there. I remember this because there were “soap operas” on the television when I was initially telling him my story when I left “Jeopardy” was on and it was becoming dusk. It was about 7:30 in the evening. I leave his apartment and go home, I found myself sort of wondering what happened?

At home, I empty my pockets on the table (change, keys, etc..) and I have the receipt from the hypnotherapist. “Oh yea,” I say, I’m supposed to see him on Thursday, but I couldn’t remember anything else. I go back Thursday AND THE DOCTOR IS NO LONGER THERE! I MEAN HIS NAME IS SCRATCHED OFF THE DOOR HE IS GONE, VANISHED, I MEAN IT WAS LIKE HE HAD NEVER BEEN THERE.

There were four or five doctors sharing the same office and there was simply space where his name had been. I go in and ask the receptionist where doctor so and so is, as hard as I try right now to this day I just cannot remember his name, but I can find my way back to where his office was.

But anyway, I ASK THE RECEPTIONIST WHAT IS GOING ON AND SHE TELLS ME TO PLEASE LEAVE AND DO NOT COME BACK. I ask about the doctor, she closes the receptionist’s window turns her back to me and walks away. I go home, even more confused, Aaron calls me that night to come over, I go, again not thinking anything about it.

Related:  Project Superman 19d

This is where all hell breaks loose. I go to his apartment and we are sitting down talking as usual. From the back bedroom, six or seven men come out! Mr. Green and a group of men are right there and I start freaking out. The other men were dressed in black. The instant I saw these men I began to remember, my instinct tells me to run but I was taken totally by surprise.

The men in black leap over the couch, grab and hold me. They pinned me against the back of the couch, I had no leverage to plant my feet and try to get up. They start to laugh and say things like “this guy isnít so tough” and “that was easy.” Mr. Green says “If you ever had any idea how dangerous that guy is you would not even beholding him!” I remember looking at Aaron with a look of betrayal, I think I started to cry, he could not look at me. Mr. Green says “do you have any idea how much trouble you’ve been, we should have killed you a long time ago.” I start yelling “I’m GOING TO F*CKIN KILL YOU!

He asks Aaron if I am going to remember any of this. Aaron answers “no“. He then proceeds to punch me in the face and calls me a “mother f*cker” or something. I am struggling to get up but I just could not move, Aaron then takes over. Aaron then says the “magic word.” The first one didn’t work. It was hippa.. something or other. He tries another one Poly-pop-er-enus, snarf-a-lif-agus when he finds the right one instantly I cannot move. He tells me how relaxed I feel, how warm and safe I feel, how I am in a “happy place“, to “lay back, relax, smile.

Project Superman 19b

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