He would say the “Magic word” and I would sit there in my altered state of reality and he would tell me his view of the mind. How the human mind functions just like a basic computer. With every decision either being “yes” or “no” answer, like a switch which is either “on” or “off“, and would discuss how every memory, function, and action we had or did is basically a string of yes or no responses.

“Like a long combination lock you must have the exact code to get ‘In‘ he said. We would watch video after video. Then I would tell him how I thought the human worked and functions. We would spend hours upon hours discussing this.

Over the years the two of us would sit and he talks about “How to mind f*ck” someone. The basic concept is to build a “Platform over your real consciousness, and that then becomes your real consciousness.” And all along this was already been done to me and I had no clue about any of it. Which in itself is a very scary concept. A fake reality if you will. Sort of like Windows 95. Windows 95 is basically a “platform” built over the DOS program to make the PC applications more “User-friendly“, where all the computations and all the “essence” of the program is written in code using DOS, but all you see on the screen is Windows 95 (like a platform built over the essence of the computer).

It’s kind of funny, in a very sick sort of way. Here I am sitting around discussing how to mind f*ck somebody, for years, with my best friend. When all along, I’ve already been “mind f*cked” by him for years, and don’t have a clue about any of it. He discusses it with me just like it’s a normal conversation! Now that’s a real “mind f*ck” if you think about it! What was happening was all during my time in Atlanta they were using me for all sorts of different experiments at the Dobbins Air Force Base in Atlanta where a “major” project had become active.

Related:  Project Superman 19a

I was also used in the Montauk chair for the time travel experiments at this time.

July 1996 – My girlfriend, Pilar, is going to declare chapter 7 due to her debt load from past bills. I had lent her some money, and she wanted to pay me back by paying for my car repairs at the local Toyota dealership. I needed a new muffler, power radio antenna, timing belt, and tune-up.

About $1,200.00 worth of work which she was going to charge on her credit card before she had to cut them up because of chapter 7. The dealership tells me it’s going to take only one day and I’ll be able to pick it up in the morning. They give me a rental car to drive around. The next day I go back to pick it up and it’s not ready. I go back the third day and it’s still not ready. I call on the fourth day (Saturday), and they tell me it won’t be ready until Monday. “Look“, I said, “I used to be in the car business and I know that your service department can crank out between 75 and 200 cars a day, why the f*ck is mine taking a week when you told me it would only take one day?

And he says “we had to order parts and it will be ready Monday!” And rudely hangs the phone up on me. Monday comes and I go to pick up the car. I get the bill and it’s gone from $1,200.00 to $1,750.00. I’m furious, mainly because I didn’t know if the credit card was going to go through at $1,700.00+, and I would really be stuck. And let me tell you I get in the guy’s face and start freaking out, “You have the balls to keep my car for a whole week and then bill me $600.00 over the estimate, where is the manager, etc..etc..” He replies “we had to order some parts” “What parts,” I say. He gets the paperwork, looks through it and says “we had to special order your radio antenna” I say “special order the radio antenna, IT’S A F*CKING ’92 TOYOTA CAMRY!

Related:  Project Superman 19d

You’re telling me that not one store in Atlanta had a power antenna for a Toyota Camry for a whole week! The entire city is sold out, that’s BULL SHIT!” He then gets in my face and says to me “I know who you are, and we don’t want your kind here. I’ll take $100.00 off the bill, but don’t come back because we don’t want your business or your “dirty” money here!” “WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?” I answer. “We had a visit from some of your “friends” and they told us all about you, you piece of Shit drug dealer“. “WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?” I say again. “I spit on guys like you, dealing drugs to kids, I should kick your ass right here and now.

Don’t worry you’ll get yours someday, sooner than you think.” He says. I said “look I have no idea what you are even talking about!? He says “pay it, and get the F*CK out of here and don’t come back.” I pay the $1,650.00, the credit card goes through. Pilar says “what the hell is he talking about?” I said, “I wish I knew“. We leave, she drives her car back to work, and I ride around for a while. I’m still pissed off. This is too freaking weird!

Project Superman 19d

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