I was selected at the age of 2 when my father was in the Navy. In addition to this, I have some very strange memories of when my family went to the October fest in Germany when we were there. Some strange events where they took my father and did something to him in the bathroom. Something where they humiliated him in some way and I remember watching and after when we left he was so ashamed about what they did to him that he made me promise not to tell anyone about what happened. Anyway, they watched me develop all through my childhood and then when I went to college they brainwashed my father into getting me to turn down a full ride to Penn State to play football, [but rather] to go to the University of Rochester.

When at Rochester they began their programming of me to become a “Manchurian Candidate” for them, the perfect assassin. My roommate was a controller, my room had a video camera, the shower had a camera in it. Every moment of every day they were watching me. Then at night they would take me to one of two labs and do the programming with electric shock, drugs, and torture. One of the labs is located in the attic of the library at the University of Rochester. The other was the much bigger one that they gained after I gave a demonstration as to what I could do to some Senator, and it became a full-blown project. I already had training in mind control from the “Silva Mind Control Method” I took when I was 10 years old and had incredible mental abilities from the get-go.

So when at Rochester they then just took the “special room” I already had in my mind and then manipulated me accordingly. The organization is NAZI BASED and has its roots intertwined with them. The funding for this project is exactly as Nichols states in his theory. That the funding from the Montauk project came from a 10 billion dollar Nazi gold train which was seized by the allies in 1944 and was suddenly “lost” by blowing up in a tunnel and sealing it away as the allies were driving the Germans back at the end of world war II.

Related:  Project Superman 22d

This was investigated by General George Patton as he could not understand how a train could “disappear” in the allied territory and how all the GIs could have been killed. The gold showed up 30 years later at Montauk (now being worth 180 billion) and was brought over by the Krupp family (who own the ITT corporation), and that’s where the Nazi’s got the money. Anyway, I somehow have the special ability to where somehow when a suggestion is given to my subconscious ANYTHING that is suggested I can somehow do in reality. I was the untouchable superstar of the MKULTRA program.

Some of the things they would do would be things like, they told my subconscious mind that ANY height I jumped off of, NO MATTER HOW HIGH, was as easy as jumping off of a footstool in my mind, and I could do it. How high? Eventually, they threw me out of airplanes without a parachute (because once you reach terminal velocity whether it’s is jumping from 200 feet and surviving or jumping from 20,000 feet you are not going any faster so it doesn’t matter what the height is as long as you can “stick the landing”).

Imagine an assassin or covert group that could jump out of a low flying plane and hit the ground running. The mission would be over before the target even knew what happened. And this is exactly what I did. Between 1988 and 1992 there were several assassinations around the world that were so profound and so unbelievable that the cases are still unsolved. The assassin would shoot all the targets as well as all of the guards surrounding these prominent people with one shot to the head, so at the scene, there would be all these bodies all with one bullet hole in their heads.

Project Superman 22c

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