But I insisted on knowing how many missions I had to go on until I could “retire” until I could “quit” and they would let me go and leave me alone. At the time they told me 10 just to shut me up and since at the time they still didn’t really know what I could do and since this was the first mission they really didn’t think that I would survive 10 missions.

But after I ran the 10 missions I said: “that’s it” “no more, I AM THROUGH, FINISHED, RETIRED” at which time they tried to change it to 25 on me but there was nothing that they could say or nothing they could do to get me to do anymore let me tell you that this pissed the Illuminati and all of the military and basically all of the “heavy hitters” off something fierce… They wanted to reactivate me to kill Saddam, and after that they wanted me to kill President Bush. For months they tried every type of brainwashing, threat, torture, and intimidation tactics they could think of to try and get me to kill President Bush.

But I simply would not do it, and you can only imagine the things they did to me, the horror makes me wake up in the middle of the night in cold sweats. I can only remember it for a second and then my subconscious hides it from me gain. As far as I can put together what happened was this, and keep in mind that I am still trying to piece together my all of my memory. When I began doing research about the Montauk project a flood of memories started coming back. Back when I was in college (1988-92), they took me to Montauk and put me in the “Montauk Chair“. The first time I tried to use it I somehow blew it up.

My mental energy was so powerful that I blew up the generator or the circuits or something. Whatever I did it was supposedly impossible, but it happened. So they repaired it, I think they only had one other generator and they had to put some kind of buffer circuit in it as well, and I think my “Montauk hair” episodes were on two different days (in terms of an actual time span I have no idea) but I remember having on different clothes (specifically wearing slacks one day and jeans the next as I was more casual on the second day because they took me just as I was getting out of one of my classes and I hadn’t “dressed up” because they didn’t tell me to on the second visit). But anyway, they tied me up with chains so if I freaked out I wouldn’t wreck the place and I was sitting in the chair.

Related:  Project Superman 22a

The machine was on and they were adjusting the power to fit my mental output if you will. Someone then came up to me and said “whatever you do donít think of a monster” and since the machine was already on of course a second later a huge monster appeared. Everyone started freaking out and running around and I was still tied to the chair. The monster had to be 12 or 13 feet tall, it was covered with brown fur, had one eye and one horn. It looked like a cross between King Kong and the monster from one of the Conan movies.

The monster had been created using the Montauk chair from out of my imagination from somewhere in my subconscious using the Montauk chair to amplify my thoughts creating an actual physical being. The only good news was that the creature was either incredibly stupid or was just very confused as to its sudden new surroundings because it just stood there for at least a minute giving them time to untie me. They were all yelling at me to do something (since I was the only one who could have stopped it, if you will, of the group) but I was tied up, so they finally cut me loose and I killed it by jumping on it’s back from the upper level of the stair, and strangling it to death using a chain and a steel rod like a truncate around itís neck.

But not before it wrecked half of the lab. Most of the chair antenna apparatus got wrecked and the right side of the time machine antenna got wrecked and a box of these million-dollar light bulbs got smashed. But they all seemed happy because the controls for the time machine were undamaged and they all kept saying that it wasn’t nearly as bad as the last time????? I didn’t understand????? Sometime later (I don’t know how long it was) they bring me back in again and sit me down in the chair (as now everything is fixed).

This time they tell me they want me to think of only pallets of gold bars. They were out of money and wanted me to create billions of dollars using the “Montauk chair” since my mental energy was strong enough to create physical objects which were indeed real and stayed real in this physical universe. I did it once and a pallet of gold appeared, they were all excited and they went off to test it to see if it really was gold. Not knowing what I was doing as I was functioning in an alternate reality they had created (the reality in which they could control me and supposedly they were my best friends). I, like an idiot, said “Why gold? Gold is a pain in the ass, because of it’s weight and volume if you need money why not make something else?

Related:  Project Superman 22c

Then I said “step back” and within an instant, a huge chest appeared and I said, “open it“. I had created for them a huge chest of perfectly cut, flawless, white diamonds the size ranging from grapefruits to golfballs. One was even as big as a volleyball. This is what they are using as financing today.

This is where they are getting the money to build the new facility under the new Denver airport, and where they got the money to build their brand new “state of the art” new headquarters facility in Atlanta. The chest of diamonds is priceless and I mean priceless, worth literally trillions, an unlimited source of funding. And it’s all my fault. They have named the biggest diamond after me (the one the size of the volleyball) they call it “The Rhino diamond” and the second largest one is called the star of David (named after my son in my honor).

After all of this, I was chosen to be their “golden boy“. I was personally chosen to interact DIRECTLY with the Illuminati.

Project Superman 23

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