The Illuminati is made up of a group of about twenty men. All are 6′-2″ or over, white and are of indeterminate older age (I would say above the age of 70 but I suspect that with the technology they have available to them they, in reality, are much much older). They convene in a board room with a huge wooden table which is in the shape of a football. Each chair has a control panel and a television screen comes out from inside the table for each of the chairs.

There is a huge screen located in the front of the room as well. During one of the meetings about 1/3 of the men reached over to their belts and turned a knob on a small white box they had on their belt and their human image dissolved to reveal they were not human at all but these huge lizard type creatures (the reptilians).

After I finished college at the age of 22 or 23 I specifically and repeatedly told them that I wanted no part of any of this but they were not going to let me go. They all liked me very much and always wanted me to join them (the Illuminati) for drinks and “hang out” with them in their private recreation room and be one of them. Play billiards and cards with them (things like that). So they brainwashed me again (reinforced the alternate reality program they had been using all along) and made me the inspector to all of the facilities around the countries. They erased the memory of my son and his mother from me at the time.

They have plans for him as his IQ – so I have heard from Aaron – is 150. But anyway, the inspector was a highly important and influential position to hold, again I was 22 years old and was their “golden boy“. They gave me a rank of 42nd level in mason’s secret society…

{{note: i have heard from a friend of mine that, according to certain sources, George Bush also held the 42nd degree… even though ‘officially‘ there are only 33 degrees. it is very probable that bush has risen in the ranks since them. the 33 and above degrees are not public knowledge since this is where they begin dealing with the interplanetary secret societies, with alternative 2 underground and alternative 3 space scenarios involving both humans and aliens.

The plan is to allow world war iii to break out between right-wing and left-wing political factions – that were actually financed by the illuminati in machiavellian fashion – and when the world is depopulated the cult of the serpent – human and alien illuminists – plan to annex this planet to the main reptilian empire in alpha draconis, and turn those humans who remain on earth into electronically controlled subjects. the dracos are, according to contactees, involved in an ancient war with human-like beings in the Lyra sector.

Both the humans and reptilians reportedly once lived on earth in prehistoric times and left the planet as a result of ancient earth changes/wars to found their respective confederations, and both desire to use earth and its unique chemical, mineral and genetic resources along with its human population, with its inbred warrior instincts, as weapons to destroy the power-base of the other side – Branton}}

To start (I started at the bottom of the top), accompanied by this title came a ring (like my college ring) with the numbers “42nd” embroidered on the jewel of the ring in red.

Related:  Project Superman 23e

I inspected several facilities including the one in Paramus NJ, the Montauk facility, the facility in Rochester, the facility in Miami where the Grays are located and are doing their breeding experiments to form a slave labor race (this is a joint treaty with the US government’s Department of the Navy) {{or the d.o.n., which serves as the major c.i.a./n.s.a. “mole” within naval intelligence – Branton}}.

The government is providing human women subjects for the Grays to do breeding experiments with, in exchange for alien technologies (what we now call the stealth fighter and bomber radar invisibility technology) and a non-aggression pact against the rest of mankind. I personally have seen this first hand and I remember the women and children as I walked by them SCREAMING and PLEADING hysterically for me to help them. This memory is one of the most disturbing and most frightening that I have recalled.

Project Superman 23b

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