My “conditioning” involved several levels of physical torture, and horrific sexual abuse going beyond any known descriptive term. They continue to drive “wedges” into the minds of the subjects until hopefully, the mind will “split” apart as it cannot take anymore. One of these “wedges” they used to drive into my mind was the Murder if my mother’s future husband “Mr. Johnson“, back when I was eleven years old. When my parents were getting divorced, and my mother’s one true chance at happiness was shattered in order to get to me, what they simply did was to program Sally Johnson to kill her husband when he came over. This concludes her defense theory as she pleaded temporary insanity.

Theoretically, this is true as she could not help herself and be simply following her instructions out as were programmed into her by this group. This particular type of conditioning was done as the Paramus Facility (map enclosed). This effectively drove my mother into a downward out of control spiral which caused enough discord in my life to give them an avenue of manipulation (an avenue for them to try and “split me”).

When a man has an ejaculation what actually happens is this. When the ejaculation occurs the semen which is shot out of the body is the DNA package containing the blueprints for the body. What is unseen is at the same time what is also being transferred is the soul or spirit of the person. We are all creatures of energy, the energy which flows through us is called “kundalini energy“. When a man reaches an orgasmic state, during the ejaculation not only is the Semen sent out but the male penis also at the same time sends off the essence of the spirit as well during this period. Both are shot out at the same time.

If you ever took the time to notice, the male penis is shaped like an antenna. This is obviously done a for reason, and the reason is that the spirit is also sent out through the penis during the ejaculation. This is the reason why “test tube” babies are born without a sole. As they were only conceived with the part of us that makes up the body, and as the insertion of the spirit was not part of the conception, this person is born without a soul (since there was no physical transfer). This one of the primary reasons why Men are used and not women. When the orgasmic state is achieved the “kundalini energy” or “spirit” of what makes us who we are is projected out of the body by the male to impregnate the female.

Related:  Project Superman 25b

This “energy” or “spirit” can then be captured and digitized and then put back into the body. To “split” the mind, at the moment of orgasm, the subject is somehow demoralized by an act or subject that is so personal that the horror of this action causes the mind to “split” open like a log being split by an ax. The “new” self or “programmed” response is then inserted and takes hold. They basically split your “self” apart and then insert you with another “self“.

Whatever they wish to insert into your mind whatever they want you to be, they then insert and that is what you become. My mind has been split six times. Each time they would split my mind, they would insert the appropriate programming and that would be that. However, because my will is so strong, the programming would not hold. I kept breaking out of it, and they could not control me. Every time I would break their hold on me, they would have to re-split my mind in order to re-insert the programming. This is why my mind is split six times. Normally, when the mind is split once, is all the mind can take. Somehow, my mind was split six times and I survived,

I don’t know-how. The small lab where they did their experiments on me as I have mentioned earlier in the secret laboratory attic in the roof of the University of Rochester library. The BIG lab where I had most of the work done to me was done at THE ROME NATIONAL AIR BASE. Located in Rome NY. To maintain security and for discretion, they dug an underground tunnel going directly from the Rochester facility (located under the Andrews Street bridge) going to the facility in Rome, where the other “Montauk chair” is located.

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