They use electric cars (as not to create any undue suspicion from ground vibrations) to travel between the two facilities. Rome National Air Base (located in Rome NY)… Where another “Montauk Chair” is located underground.

The reason they went through so much trouble with me is, that, I have the ability to concentrate and focus on one thought and one thought only. Because I can do this, they used me to operate the “Montauk Chair” and open time portals going to different points in time. What they do is have the “chair operator” focus on ANY point in time in ANY part of the Universe and the thoughts are then amplified and a time portal is opened. A computer then records these thoughts and the time portal is then stored in a computer (on a storage disk).

As the work progresses a library of time portals is then created {{note: al bielek has mentioned something called “The M.A.L.T.A. Base”, the “Montauk Alsace-Lorraine time archives” underground base, which is located in Germany near the French border in the Alsace-Lorraine region which has been a disputed territory between Germany and France for centuries – Branton}}.

When they want to access that particular moment in time, they insert the storage disk of the time portal and they are off and running. The only complication is that the computer must readjust the time portal for the starting point as the “Earth” and our “time” has since moved since the portal was recorded. So once the new calculations are entered as the starting point the portal is then opened.

I have sat in “the chair” several hundred times and they used me to open several hundred portals and make several hundred recordings. The earlier time travel project was the one called the project “Southern Cross“. Time portals have always been here on Earth (at least as long as a modern man).

The oldest version of the time portal is an older system in which a huge crystal which has been here since the time of Atlantis is activated by emitting sound frequencies while over the crystal. There are supposedly 8 crystals hidden around the world. Only one has been located, and it is at the corner of what makes up one of the corners of the Bermuda Triangle. Project “Southern Cross” was used to win world war II in a favor to the allies.

Related:  Project Superman 25a

What the U.S. government did was using this old-time machine they effectively went back in time and delivered future technologies to the 1940s to help us win the war. We would deliver communication devices, as well as weapons, made out of 1940 parts and technologies (using bulb resistors, etc.). These devices would be delivered to the 1940s along with a complete set of drawings on how to make them out of the 1940 parts. I took part in several of these “deliveries“, as well as ran many missions for the U.S. government, going back in time and altering the future. One of the people who I ran these missions with was Duncan Cameron from the “Montauk Project“.

March 27th- As I was living in Atlanta I thought I was out of the program and living a totally normal life.

As I regain my memory I remember these men coming into my girlfriend’s apartment and having 50 men rape my girlfriend {{over a period of time? – branton}}. This included animals as well as many other perversions. I remember them raping my sister in front of me. I remember them raping my mother in front of me. Now that I think about it I remember most of my girlfriends being gang-raped in front of me. More, about this later. The Babylon 5 movie which came on a few months ago contained a subplot about a human being from the past which came from the past into the future. They are looking for this being. I AM WHO THEY ARE LOOKING FOR.

During some of my duties, I was sent through the time portal into the future and actually formed the Babylon project. The producers of the show have sent a message back in time for me and I have received it. When they split my mind, all six times, they had to expose me to some horror. I remember all of what it took to split my mind. That’s all I’m going to say about it for now. Claims have been made that I was being used up until MID-JULY of 1997. This far exceeds what I thought.

For the entire time that I was down in Atlanta, I thought I was living a normal life. The reality was that I was being manipulated and having gang bang parties with my girlfriend. When I went to Ft. Lauderdale and spent 8 weeks down there, I thought I was having a great time, The reality is that I was being bred by the Grays down in Miami while I was there. One of the De-programmers I have been using has since tried to manipulate me and I will no longer go to him.

Related:  Project Superman 25a

I realize now that NO MATTER WHAT I DO, someone is going to try and manipulate me for their own purposes.

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