And of course, she swears that she won’t let them hurt me, and of course like an idiot I drink the glass of “Vodka“. I am out within seconds. When I wake up I am in a hotel room. I am sitting in a chair and it is very difficult to keep my eyes open, but I can make out several dark figures in various spots around the room. I couldn’t keep my eyes open but I could hear.

They had given me sodium pentathol and were now going to get the “truth” out of me. I can barely see him but I know it’s Dr. Purrizzo. He starts asking me questions. “Andy, what kind of steroids do you take?” “I don’t use steroids” I answer. I can hear him cursing as he asks me again, “Andy, you wouldn’t lie to me would you, I’m going to ask you again, What kind of steroids do you take.”

And again I answer “I already told you I DON’T USE STEROIDS!” and I hear him ranting and raving. His friend the psychologist then comes over and asks to take a try. The line of questioning changes from direct to indirect questions. He asks “Andy, tells me, where do you buy your steroids?” I answer “I have never bought steroids.” He asks “How long have you been taking the steroids?” and again I answer “I’ve never taken steroids”. Dr. Purrizzo is now furious and he is ranting I’ll get it out of him and he stabs me in my right thigh with a syringe and injects me with more sodium pentathol.

I think I lost consciousness for a while and then the questioning begins again. “Where do you buy your steroids?” and again I answer “I don’t use steroids.” This goes on and on for a while finally the psychologist comes over and asks me “Andy if you don’t use steroids how do you explain your abnormal physique?”

Simple, I answer “I CHEAT!” What do you mean by “you cheat” he asks. “I USE THE POWER OF MY MIND TO BUILD MY MUSCLES; IT WORKS PRETTY GOOD.. DOESN’T IT?” and I remember a big smile coming over my face as I felt proud of what I could do.

Related:  Project Superman 4a

And they all come over to me and I then proceed to explain the Silva Mind Control method that I use. How I go to my level. The psychologist asks me to do it now, and I find myself explaining my trip down into my mind. When I get to my “level” I give them a tour of “my room“. They are all talking in astonishment. “WAIT,” I say “HERE IS THE BEST PART” and I explain to them the “pump up chair” I use to grow my muscles, the underground stadium where “I can do anything” on this “magic” field.

I hear the psychologist yelling at Dr. Purrizzo “And you want to give this kid a lobotomy, I COULD MAKE A F*CKING CAREER OUT OF THIS KID!!!” He said something like I was the greatest psychophysiological example, and that I had the greatest Autogenic abilities he has ever seen (or something like that). He also used a term something like psychoneuroimmunology if that makes any sense. Anyway, he then tells me to open my hand and start to place objects in them. He tells me that I am holding a banana and he wants me to crush it. I squeeze the “banana” and I feel it “squish” like a banana. I hear everyone start murmuring in disbelief.

I have no idea what they placed in my hand but I do know it sure as hell wasn’t a banana. Soon after this, I start to feel sick. I fall off my chair. I am sweating profusely, and I start convulsing as I begin to throw up. As I am laying on my left side on the floor throwing up on my self. The psychologist comes over to me and looks into my eyes, he drops me and starts yelling at Dr. Purrizzo “HOW MUCH DID YOU GIVE HIM!… HOW MUCH DID YOU GIVE HIM! HIS PUPILS ARE DILATED AND HE NEEDS TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW!!!. NOW HOW MUCH DID YOU GIVE HIM?”

Dr. Purizzo answers “two thousand”. The psychologist answers “YOU GAVE HIM TWO THOUSAND, HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?” Dr. Purrizzo answers “and then another two thousand when he wouldn’t answer”. The psychologist answers “FOUR THOUSAND! HAVE YOU GONE TOTALLY INSANE?. THIS KID HAS TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW!”

Related:  Project Superman 4a

Four thousand what I don’t know (milligrams, milliliters, Cc’s) I don’t know, all I remember is the numbers. I keep throwing up and I hear then arguing. The psychologist is yelling at Dr. Purrizzo “you said you had a plan, what’s your plan”. Dr. Purrizzo answers “I was sure we would get it out of him that he was lying, and then we would be excused from taking him because he was a lier.” “THAT’S IT!!!? THAT WAS YOUR PLAN, TO KIDNAP A KID AND THEN NO ONE WOULD PRESS CHARGES BECAUSE HE WAS LYING TO YOU ABOUT TAKING STEROIDS? YOU HAVE GONE ABSOLUTELY INSANE!”

Dr. Purrizzo then says “We will take him to my office and give him an Emergency lobotomy so he will never tell anyone!” Mrs. Purrizzo then steps up and says “IF YOU HURT THAT CHILD I WILL TELL!” Dr. Purrizzo then turns to her as he is laughing and says “WHO ARE YOU GOING TO TELL?”

“THE POLICE,” SHE SAYS “I WILL TELL THE POLICE!” He starts calling her a little bitch and how he is disgusted that she would turn against her own husband for this kid. “I will not allow you to hurt that child,” she says. He says “WELL DID YOU REALLY THINK I WAS JUST GOING TO LET HIM GO, AFTER WHAT HE DID TO ME AT THE TRIAL.” “I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO HURT THAT CHILD” she repeats.

Then there is some discussion as to what to do. Finally, the psychologist comes over to me as I am covered with vomit and barely able to remain conscious. He starts swinging this little metal ball on the end of a string in front of my face. I try to watch it as he tells me to and then everything goes black. I wake up, and I am on the front steps of my house and my car is parked on the street front of the house (I know I didn’t drive it home because I always pull into the driveway). I have a lot of trouble getting up, it feels like I am drunk or something and I go right to bed. The next morning, I have trouble getting up in the morning and I can’t quite make it out but I had the weirdest dream about being in a hotel room, and Dr. Purrizzo was there. I remembered most of the events but it was very foggy.

Related:  Project Superman 4a

The weekend goes by and then after my workout on Tuesday as I am driving around in the same spot there is the bronco again. This time I remember what happened and I am pissed off. I get out and I slam the door and I start yelling at Mrs. Purrizzo. As I am yelling at her and walking towards the car, she rolls down the window and starts to say something, then the next thing I know is I am back in the hotel room again. I was in some sort of hypnotic trance or something. I couldn’t move, and the psychologist then instructs me to start squeezing things again.

Project Superman 5

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