They left in such a hurry they didn’t close the door. I wasn’t running toward them, just walking very fast, when they left I didn’t go after them I just wanted them out of “my lair“. I slam the door closed, lock and chain it, toss my club aside and grab Mrs. Purrizzo and toss her onto the bed. I remember feeling anger as she was “disobedient” and I nailed her as hard as I could until she had passed out. Then the woman with the black hair comes over again and this goes on and on.

I don’t know how it ended but the next thing I know is I am laying on my front steps again, and again my car is parked on the street and not in my driveway. Over the next few weeks, I would find myself stopping at the same spot about once a week. I don’t know why, but some times I would just pull the car over. The next thing I know is I’m back in the hotel room. This time there are four women (Mr. Purrizzo, the woman with the black hair, and two others I had never seen before).

I remember feeling like “an animal” again. As I was pounding one of the women against the headboard I hear voices behind me. This time there are at least ten people watching. I see two of the women I had already had sex with on their knees giving a blowjob to one of the men (I think it was the husband of the women I was screwing at the time). These sick people are now getting off watching me screw their wives. And again I throw the women I am screwing aside and go after the men. And again the women run interference so the men can get out the door. I wake up and I am trying to get into my house. Another time everything is black and all I remember is hearing “G*D DAMN IT! HE’S GONE SOFT AGAIN!”. I struggle to open my eyes and I am laying on my back, there is a woman on top of me.

She was a bit heavier than the other two and not quite as good looking. I push her off of me as I try and get up. As I am coming around immediately the woman with the black hair comes over to me and tells me to look her in her eyes, to focus and to look at her. I remember looking at her and then after that, all is black again. This time I wake up in the back seat of my car which is parked on the street in front of my house. Another time the woman with the black hair and Mrs. Purrizzo decide to take me to the woman with the black hair’s house.

Related:  Project Superman 5c

They must have been drugging me as well as having me in a hypnotic trance because they were trying to get me out of the car and I could not move. I was as limp as a rag doll and these two women who weighed no more than 115 pounds each are trying to get me, a 230-pound kid, out of the bronco and into the house. I remember them having a very hard time and being dragged across the ground up the front steps and into the house. I remember this because someone had called the Police and they show up at the house about five minutes later.

The two women are frantically trying to figure out what to do. They sit me on the steps going to the upstairs. The woman with the black hair tells me that Mrs. Purrizzo is my mother and you just had your tonsils out and you are still groggy from the anesthetic. She opens the door for the Police and tells him the story of how Mrs. Purrizzo cannot go home yet because her house is being painted, and her son is still groggy from being under anesthetic. The cop asks me if I am all right, and I tell him that I’m fine and I confirm the women’s story.

The cop leaves and they close the door. They start telling me how I was “such a good boy“. I remember them telling me how they are going to do treat me “extra special” for being such a good boy. They were trying to get me up the stairs and they were complaining because I wasn’t helping them enough. I kept telling them “I’m trying! what have you done to me?” “Nothing Andy!” they said.

I remember them throwing me on the bed and then I felt them trying to get my clothes off after that everything is black. To this day I remember which house they brought me to, and where it is.

May 1988-June 1988- The recruiting “scuffle” has basically past and I have my college selections narrowed down to two or three schools. My heart is set on going to Penn State. In the mail mysteriously comes a letter from West point stating I was scheduled to have my physical taken to continue my application process for acceptance into West point. I never had discussed attending West point with anyone. At first, I thought it was my father playing some kind of sick joke. I spoke to him and he knew nothing about it. The physical date comes and goes.

Related:  Project Superman 5a

About a week later another letter comes stating that I have been “rescheduled” for another physical appointment at West point. This date comes and goes. A few days later I get a phone call, the person asks why I had not gone for the physical. I tell him that had no interest in attending any military academy much less West point since my father was an Annapolis graduate.

About a week later another letter arrives, this one states that my presence is now requested at the US Naval Academy to have my physical taken for admittance into the US Naval Academy. This date also comes and goes. That was the last incident involving the academies however since my academic record and my SAT scores were not even close to academy standards the whole incident is very suspicions.

Project Superman 5c

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