As I’m about to leave, I reach for the desk drawer. I yank open the drawer, and the only thing in it is a thin brass metal plate. I flip it over and it says “101“. My heart stops, I instantly start to sweat. All of a sudden I AM VERY SCARED. I drop the plate, slam the drawer closed, close the door and get the hell out of there. Looking back and trying to piece this all together this is what I believe happened. Either on my second visit to the dean’s office or at some point thereafter they somehow hypnotized me.

I can’t remember exactly where or when, but I believe they then instructed me to go to that particular room, “room 101,” at a certain time on a certain day every week, and I would just “go” without thinking or knowing anything about it. This is where all of the initial “groundwork” “programming” “hypnotic suggestions” or “brainwashing” or whatever you want to call it took place. I say this because after visiting “the room” I started having these “memory flashes“. Like a 5 second clip of a 10-minute movie. In the room I remember laying there, we discussed my Silva mind control as well as many other things.

The instructor instructs me to go to my “level.” And then would begin his work, implanting the various different ideas and suggestions they were researching with my reactions and responses. For some reason, the Library also gives me the “creeps.” How you use the “Silva method” is as follows. You close your eyes, relax, with every breath you are becoming more and more relaxed. The chair you are laying in is becoming softer and softer and you sink further and further into it as it softly wraps around your body. You feel warm and safe as your body becomes totally relaxed. Picture yourself standing on the edge of an ocean.

The sky is blue, the ocean is blue yet almost green from the sunlight. It’s an absolutely gorgeous day. Picture yourself floating, upward as you leave your body. You look down and see your body as you soar towards the sky. You are not afraid, and you can soar as high as you want and you start across the ocean. You look back at your body and it becomes smaller and smaller until you cannot see it any longer. You turn back and all that is ahead of you is blue sky and blue ocean, and like a god, you are flying among the clouds. Ahead of you is a very large cloud with a structure on it. As you get closer you can see that it’s an elevator.

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You land on the cloud, touching down as softly as a feather touching your skin. The cloud is as solid as rock. It is because you say it is, this is your mind, it is a place where you can do ANYTHING YOU WANT and WHERE ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. The only limits here are the limits of your own imagination. Walk over to the elevator. There is only one red button, push it. The doors open, get in. Turn around there is a control panel, push the bottom button. The doors close and the elevator suddenly starts to descend. You look up, the elevator is made out of a gray steel cage. There is no roof. The elevator starts to descend faster and faster.

You look up and see the walls of the elevator shaft are brilliantly colored rock with swirls of orange, black, white and silver. You see a huge number “10” painted on the side of the rock go whizzing by as the elevator is now falling faster and faster. You look up and see the number “9” go by. As the numbers go by you are going deeper and deeper into the center of your mind. The center of the universe. 8, 7, you’re becoming more and more relaxed 6, 5, you feel the power of your mind surge as you go deeper and deeper, your mind becomes more and more powerful with every moment 4, 3, 2 the elevator automatically starts to slow down, 1.

The doors open, you step out onto a white cement platform. It is 6 feet wide and 6 feet long. Blackness is all around you. There is a small silver railing to the left. Walk to the edge and look over. You see nothing but a huge black hole. A swirling vortex sucking everything into it. Jump off into the vortex like a skydiver. You are falling, turn your self around and look back at the bottom of the platform as it gets smaller and smaller. You are not afraid, stuff is whizzing by you as you fall a giant clock, a car, people you know, off to the left you see a huge neon sign go flying by “1500“. You fall faster and faster and you feel yourself going deeper and deeper into your mind. “1400“, “1300“, “1200“, when you get to “100” you will automatically slow down. Blackness is everywhere and you can see nothing.

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Project Superman 6b

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