They stayed in the back behind the car and they were quite large. The man in green says that they want to talk to me, and he instructs me to get in the car. I become scared. I told him that if he wanted to talk to me, start talking, but there is no way I’m going to get into any car with five guys I don’t know! He said that he wanted to talk to me about participating in some sort of program.

I told him that whatever he wants from me the answer was “no“.He then said that “NO” was an unacceptable answer, and that I was going to participate whether I liked it or not because I was too valuable and “NO” was not an option. He then said, “Andy, get in the f*cking car.” I said “No.” The man in the black leather coat with the white hair “Adolph” grabs my arm and starts pulling me toward the open car door (back seat driver side). My instinct just seems to take over, I wrench my arm away from Adolph let me tell you I START RUNNING. This is going to be difficult to explain without visual aid but here goes.

The parking lot was a very long and thin lot, not like a square, but like an “I“, only two places to park your car, on the right or on the left and its very long. The lot is located below the level of the campus by about 70 to 80 feet. There is a long slope as an embankment and about every 100 yards or so there is a set of stairs to get in and out of the lot. At the top of the stairs, there is the main road that runs along with the entire campus. So once you cross the road you are right there on campus.

Buildings start about 50 feet in from the road. I break away from Adolph AND I START RUNNING. I ran as fast as I could for the stairs. The stairs were about 50 yards away, I reach them unmolested. I turn back and look to see if they are chasing me. They are not, as I look back all the men have gotten back in the car and I just catch a glimpse of the last car door closing. I pause, thinking the car is going to come towards me, the tires squeal but in REVERSE. I think it hits me, they are going to cut me off at the top of the stairs. AT THAT MOMENT for the second time, I felt “the rush.”


The first time was when the man was going to hit me with the baseball bat. But for the first time in my life, I felt like I was running for my life. What if they beat me to the top of the stairs it was all over. By “the rush” I mean the adrenaline rush, your mind closes like having blinders on and the surge of power your body feels when it’s life or death. If you have never been in a situation where you truly “feared for your life.”

You really cannot understand the feeling I am talking about. I bounded up those stairs, three of four stairs at a time. At the top is a car parked right in front of the stairs, it’s maroon but it’s facing the wrong way. I crouch next to the rear fender and I see the first car about 200 yards away and I hear the engine rev as the driver floors it. Flying over the speed bumps. The car passes the parked car and I dart across the road. Out of my left ear, I hear the screech of tires skidding, as I look the car has stopped and I see the driver’s eyes in the rearview mirror.

Project Superman 7b

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