Him and his partisans just had the “look” of some Nazi genetic experiment. The psychotic eyes, the “Arian” face, and features such as the straight blond hair. After I had killed two of his “boys” in the small lab with the baseball bat he kept trying to tell me that he was my “father“, and he seemed obsessed with this idea. He had similar abilities of his own, but I was more powerful. I know this because the first few times I tangled with him he threw me, but once I figured out how he was simply misdirecting my force into another direction, I then could take him. He knew this and after I threw him a few times he no longer would try and step in and stop me if I got loose, he would let all of the “hired hands” try and stop me.

He was the one who in my mind could stop me, somehow he implanted in my mind that I could not harm him. I didn’t fear him,

I would just avoid him if I was making an escape. As in my mind, he was the most powerful one out of the group. He was also the one who did all of the “coaching” or “directing” if you will. None of the other guys really said much to me. They mostly talked off to the side amongst themselves, and when called upon to help out they never said a word unless it was to answer a question asked by Adolph, never a word directly to me. Remember, at this point they had already had TOTAL control over me, and I mean TOTAL control. They tell me to get in the car, I get in the car.

They tell me to stand over there, I go and stand over there. They tell me to stand in the corner, and I was like a “robot” I would go stand in the corner, once there I stood like a statue until spoken to again. There always seemed to be a guy with a video recorder, recording everything, and I mean everything. Even in the chase across campus when the girl died, one of the men had a camera on his shoulder.

Related:  Project Superman 8c

I only got a glimpse of it but it was no VHS recorder from SEARS. It was one of those bigger cameras with a light on top that the news crews use, only it was quite a bit smaller but the same style. So at the small lab as well as the big lab, they were recording everything I did.

From how I stood to how I sat to how I stripped down to my underwear. The camera was always watching me. To start the tests were simple at the big lab. They would tell me to do “push-ups,” and I would start doing push-ups. The thing is I would do push-ups until they told me to stop. When I was “myself” (not under hypnosis or their “mind control”) I already could do more push-ups than probably 99% of the population. 150 maybe 200 without stopping (with perfect form), don’t forget I was invited to be on, or “tryout” if you will for the U.S. Powerlifting team, and I’m in the best shape of my life.

But when under hypnosis they would tell me to start, and then start playing cards on a fold-out card table. I have no idea how long I would do them for but it was a while (1/2 hour, an hour I don’t know). I wouldn’t think I would just do. The focus of the initial research, I believe, was to try and unlock the secrets of the mind. How to make the perfect soldier, to make a “superhuman killing machine“. They were finding out how when under hypnosis, can the mind overcome the physical limitations of the human body.

How, when under hypnosis, can the mind overcome the physical impossibilities of going against the laws of physics? How, when under hypnosis, can the mind overrule the build-up of lactate acid which occurs in the bloodstream when muscle contraction occurs? How can the mind allow the body to do things which would normally be physically impossible? To be able to do push-ups for the length of time and the number of repetitions that I did them for would be a physical impossibility.

Yet there I am doing it. How could I do it? Because of the way my mind “thinks” if you will, it is different from everyone else. Somehow if you tell me to do something on the subconscious level I truly believe that I can do it. So how did I do it, UNDER HYPNOSIS, THEY TOLD ME I COULD DO IT! AND I TRULY BELIEVED THEM!!!

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Project Superman 8c

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