And within minutes, I had forgotten all about it. We were having a party at my fraternity that night and as a pledge with a car the brothers of the house had sent me out for cigarettes before the party started. I went out and got the cigarettes and had to park in a different spot when I came back because mine was taken. I got extremely drunk at the party and ended up crashing on one of the many couches in one of the rooms at the fraternity house for a while. So they didn’t know where I was.

They were a branch of the Nazi underground who is using the University of Rochester, Kodak, and Bausch and Lomb, (to name a very few) as covers for their genetic and mind control programs in order to manipulate the children of America.”They” thought it was making a “run for it” as the bus was driving all around Rochester, and I didn’t come home that night. When I got back to my room at about 5:00 in the afternoon Brian is there, pissed off as hell at me asking me “Where the f*ck have you been?… What did you do last night?” I tell him to go “F*ck himself” and I head for the shower and then I am going to take a long nap. When I get back from the shower, Brian is gone but the man with the white hair “Adolph” is in my room along with Mr. Green and about four other guys.

They slam the door shut as soon as I walk in, when I realize they are in my room I try to run, but Adolph says a few words and I cannot move. I stand there like I am in a trance just like I do when I am back at the lab. He starts to chew my ass out, and all I could do is stand there and smile. I guess they had spent the whole night following the bus around, then they finally stopped it and searched it and found that I wasn’t on the bus and then they found the tracking device in the wheel well and then couldn’t find me, and I didn’t come home. They were very pissed off at me. I just stood there and smiled. It was one of the proudest moments of my life!

Related:  Project Superman 9a

They told me to get in the god d*mn bed and to go to f*cking sleep. So I put a big chew of tobacco in my mouth and played Nintendo for a few hours, before finally going to bed. This is an example of how even though I was totally under their control, they could not totally destroy “Andy” and somehow I found a way to come out.

Then even though they had instructed me to go to bed I somehow fought the order off and went to bed when I wanted to. At some point came the “big jump” (as if jumping off the huge tower wasn’t big enough). I don’t remember exactly when it was, but I clearly remember the event. All along, the main point of spending so much time on all of these jumps was to see if I could make the “big jump” and survive. The theory behind all of this was that once the body reaches a certain speed (32feet sec/sec) you cannot go any faster, you have reached maximum velocity. So, in theory, if I could jump off an object and reach 32 feet sec/sec and somehow survive, then it didn’t matter how high I was jumping from. In other words, if I jumped off the tower (a jump of a few hundred feet) and I reached maximum velocity then I could also jump from 500 feet, 1000 feet, or 10,000 feet.

It didn’t matter how high because I couldn’t go any faster. Imagine the potential of a soldier or covert operations team who could jump out of a plane and didn’t need parachutes. Think about it! A low flying plane going over a strategic target, the enemy would probably dismiss it as a reconnaissance plane. The team could literately fall from the sky and land practically right on top of the target and no one would know anything about it until months after it was over.

This is what they are after, the ultimate soldier, the ultimate killing machine. I don’t remember anything about how I got there, but I remember sitting in a small single-engine propeller plane (like a sky diving plane), I remember earlier having received instructions on how to form the “arch” during “free fall” but that’s about it. They had me in some kind of belt apparatus in a hanger of a sky diving school showing me the position. Back in the plane, the guy tells me to come over to the door and to put my foot out on the wheel. I remember yelling at him “I DON’T HAVE MY PARACHUTE!”

Related:  Project Superman 9b

He then yells in my ear “STAY HERE I’LL GO GET IT.” I am standing at the open door with both of my hands firmly grasping the sides of the plane, I look back to see what the man is doing. He is up by the pilot on the radio.

Project Superman 10

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