Puerto Rico’s Underground

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Location: El Coyul mountain, Puerto Rico 
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  Carlos Manuel Mencado tells of being abducted by grey aliens and flown into a base under the Sierra Benmeja via a hole that “appeared” in a depression in the side of El Coyul mountain, which followed a long tunnel emerging into a massive underground cavern. 
Source:  ALIEN UPDATE, by Timothy Good

Location: Puerto Rico – Near the SW tip of Puerto Rico, under the waters of the Mona Passage, Mona island, and south of the Cabo Rojo lighthouse in the ocean pass separating Puerto Rico from the Dominican Republic, there reportedly exists an active UFO base.
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  U.S. Navy forces, investigating a massive UFO wave, sent out two F-14 Tomcat fighter jets to circle a massive UFO that had been sighted in May 1988. One of the fighters from the BCF “starfighter” squadron aboard the USS Roosevelt was vaporized by a beam from the UFO, and photos of the incident were taken by Amaury Rivera. Some months later missile-laden fighters attempted to intercept a delta shapes UFO but the UFO vaporized or captured one of the jets in front of thousands of witnesses. 

Location: El Yunque Puerto Rico
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  ‘Many people have seen UFOs flying over the water close to the surface,’ he told me.

‘Once, at 1 am, we saw one with many colored lights flying next to the sea just over the surface.’ At first we thought it was a boat. It seemed to be dark underneath and had lights – mostly red and blue at another, upper level. Then it angled and moved upwards. It made a humming sound, and seemed to head in the direction of El Yunque.’

Felix Rivera is a diver with an underwater salvage company based near the American Naval Air Station which adjoins El Yunque, one of many U.S. bases on the island. He confirmed to me that UFOs and USOs have frequently been observed often by American military personnel.
Source:  UNEARTHLY DISCLOSURE, by Timothy Good 

Related:  Caves in the United States

Location: Cayo Margarita Puerto Rico
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  15 miles out in the Atlantic, many fishermen, as well as commercial and private pilots, claim to have seen USOs entering or emerging from the sea. Fisherman Aristides Medina said:

‘Once, I was fishing late at night and two of them passed under my boat, radiating blue light. On other occasions, I have seen them when they emerge from the water and fly away at great speed.’

He has also seen them plunge into the water – and always in the same area of the sea. It would seem these objects have definite preferences as to which part of the ocean they choose to emerge from and enter.
Source:  UNEARTHLY DISCLOSURE, by Timothy Good 

Location: Puerto Rico
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown

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