(READING CONTINUES): “After the second level, everyone is weighed, in the nude, then given a uniform. `Visitors’ are given an `off white’ uniform. In front of ALL sensitive areas are scales built under the doorway, by the door control. The person’s care must match with the weight and code or the door won’t open. Any discrepancy in weight (any change over three pounds) will summon Security. No one is allowed to carry anything into or out of sensitive areas. All supplies are put thru a Security conveyer system.
The alien symbol language appears alot at the facility. During the construction of the Facility (which was done in stages, over many years), the aliens assisted in the design and construction materials. Many of the things assembled by the workers were of a technology they could not understand, yet…it would function when fully put together. Example: The elevators have no cables. They are controlled magnetically. The magnetic system is inside the walls. There are no conventional electrical controls. All is controlled by advanced magnetics. That includes a magnetically induced (phosphorescent) illumination system. There are no regular light bulbs. All exits are magnetically controlled. Note: It has been reported that, “if you place a large magnet on an entrance, it will affect an immediate interruption. They will have to come and reset the system.”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates this is in the affirmative; that there is a totally different advancement in terms of technology used by these entities in regard to an advancement that worked from the base of electro-magnetics without the use of wires, whereas your technology transferred electricity through wires and created a system along different lines. There was less mechanical activity in their technology, and more electronic and magnetic technology, and more electronic and magnetic technology development. This Awareness indicates the lighting system used as that which is painted upon the walls, or placed on the walls in a kind of paint which is affected by an electromagnetic charge that is applied, which causes the wall to light,—this affecting the paint on the walls and the substances that are in that painted material.
(QUESTIONER): The Interpreter’s been in trance for quite a while, and we would like to bring him up at this time and continue this reading later, if it is alright with Awareness.
COSMIC AWARENESS: This as in the affirmative. This Awareness suggests that this may be seen as a break; that the questions may continue after a brief interruption from our sponsor. (The Law of Gratitude is given) —————————————–
(READING CONTINUES…after dinner): “The town of Dulce. The area around Dulce has had a high number of reported animal mutilations. The government and the aliens used the animals for environmental tests, psychological warfare on people, etc. The aliens also wanted large amounts of blood for Genetic, Nutritional and other reasons. “In the book, ET’s and UFOs–They Need Us, We Don’t Need Them, by Virgil `Posty’ Armstrong, he reports how his friends (Bob and Sharon) stopped for the night in Dulce and went out to dinner. “They overheard some local residents openly and vociferously discussing extra-terrestrial abduction of townspeople for purposes of experimentation.” The ET’s had our government’s knowledge and approval.”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that this is in the affirmative; that in any of those areas near those bases there is an excessive degree of danger of abduction or otherwise intimidation. That in regard to the aliens’ need for large amounts of blood, there is recently a scientific breakthrough in regard to the use of cattle blood being altered to work for human transfusions; that the use of cattle blood in humans is a possibility on a one-time basis, without such alteration. With the alteration, it can be repeatedly used without side effects; that within approximately 5 years there will be no need for a blood transfusion from the use of human blood. This Awareness indicates that part of this is a side-effect from the experimentation that involves alien technology and the cattle and human mutilations and the researches into the different types of blood. This Awareness indicates that much of the blood supplied to the aliens could be supplied from slaughterhouses, were this to be more organized, and this would help to prevent much of the mutilation that otherwise occurs.
(READING CONTINUES): “In the Fifties, the EBES (Greys) began taking large numbers of humans for experiments. By the Sixties, the rate was speeded up and they began getting careless (they didn’t care). By the Seventies, their true colors were very obvious, but the “Special Group” of the government still kept covering up for them. “By the Eighties, the government realized there was no defense against the Greys, so programs were enacted to prepare the public for open contact with non-human `Alien Beings.’ “The Greys and the `Reptoids’ are in league with each other. But, their relationship is in a state of tension. The Greys’ only known enemy is the Reptilian race, and they are on their way to earth. (Inside a Planetoid).”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness wishes entities to reflect back in regard to these time segments in the previous paragraph, to reflect back in regard to the attitude of the government toward the Greys in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s, and you will see also that during such time periods, the presentation of the aliens, in terms of any release of information about aliens, tended to fit into the categories that the government attitude held toward the aliens. The first attitude being that they were benevolent people who were on a kind of friendly basis with humanity, but as the time passed, this recognition reaching a turning point in the 70’s, in the late 70’s and into the 80’s, wherein it was discovered that they were involved with excessive human mutilation and abductions.
This Awareness indicates that what disturbed the government even more was that they were deceptive to the government also. They were breaking rules with the government in that they were supposed to be giving a trade for technology. Efforts to fly the craft resulted in many of the pilots being killed in the testing of the craft, and also the Russians were being given technology which had been forbidden in the agreements between the American government and the aliens.
This Awareness indicates that there were many groups in the 70’s who represented the aliens as being really nice, wonderful people, rescuers of humanity. Even the movie, ET, was an attempt by the government to present the image of aliens as being nice characters from outer space. This was before the government discovered what rascals they really were. This Awareness suggests that last few sentences of that previous paragraph be repeated; that this not necessarily be typed on your final manuscript; this being for reference to this Awareness, for further comment. (Last two sentences are re-read) This Awareness indicates that there is also some tension between the Greys and the Dero.
This reference to the Grey’s only known enemy; this in reference to certain elements of the Greys, particularly the orange group which is generally hostile anyway. This Awareness indicates that the reference to the Reptoids in the planetoid, this as being accurate and having been discussed elsewhere in other readings. These entities coming from Draco: the number being approximately 40 million. This Awareness also indicates that the element 115, which is available through the alien government alliance, is capable of being useful in a kind of doomsday weapon against the planetoid.
(READING CONTINUES): “Mind Manipulation Experiments: The Dulce base has studied Mind Control Implants; Bio-Psi Units; ELF Devices capable of mood, sleep and heartbeat control, etc. D.A.R.P.A. (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is using these technologies to manipulate people. They establish `The Projects,’ set priorities, coordinate efforts and guide the many participants in these undertakings.
Related projects are studied at Sandia Base by “The JASON Group” of 55 scientists. They have secretly harnessed the Dark Side of technology and hidden the beneficial technology from the public. Other projects take place at “Area 51” in Nevada. “Dreamland” (Data Repository Establishment and Maintenance Land”); ELMINT (Electro-magnetic Intelligence); CODE EMPIRE; CODE EVA; PROGRAM HIS; (Hybrid Intelligence System); BW/CW; IRIS (Infrared Intruder Systems); BI-PASS; REP-TILES; etc.” COSMIC AWARENESS:
This Awareness indicates that these areas and names as related to various aspects of various programs and locations; that the reference to Groom Lake(?) and DREAMLAND can be researched in the work of Lazar, the release of information from Lazar, and other sources. This Awareness indicates that entities can do much of this researching for themselves into the meaning of some of these; that some of these terms are not defined clearly in publicly-released information. This Awareness indicates that the information on Element 115 as having been given in some of the earlier literature also released by Lazar, and also to some degree, there are mentions in the Cooper Material. This Awareness suggests that entities can further research these areas for more details if they are inclined to do so.
(READING CONTINUES): “The studies on Level No. 4 at Dulce, include Human-Aura Research, as well as all aspects of Dream, Hypnosis, Telepathy, etc. They know how to manipulate the Bio-plasmic Body (of Man). They can lower your heart beat with deep sleep `Delta Waves,’ induce a static shock, then re-program via a Brain-Computer link.
They can introduce data and programmed reactions into your mind (Information impregnation-the “Dream Library.” We are entering an era of the technologicalization of psychic powers. The development of techniques to enhance man/machine communications; Nano-tech; Bio-tech micro-machines; Psi-War; E.D.O.M. (Electronic Dissolution of Memory); R.H.I.C. (Radio-Hypnotic Intra- Cerebral Control); and various forms of behavior control (via chemical agents, ultra-sonics, optical and other EM radiations).
Related:  1991: More Of The Dulce Material

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