(READING CONTINUES): “In the 1930’s, `Division Five’ of the FBI knew about the `Aliens.’ A Fascist cabal, within this country, had John Kennedy assassinated. Look to the links, within the larger umbrella…the `Web’ of a fascist totalitarian secret police state…within the Pentagon: JCS; DIA; FBI; (Division Five); DISC/DIS and the CIA. Note: the Defense Investigative Service’s insignia is a composite of the sun’s rays, a rose, and a dagger, symbolized “The Search for Information, Trustworthiness and Danger.” Other links are Nazi scientists (who had contact with the Aliens); the S.S.; Satanists; Permindex; Exxon; the Mafia; NBC, etc. This links with caves used for `Initiation Rites’ (all over the world)…ancient vaults, retreats; Alien bases and Inner-Earth civilizations.”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that this all as being correct information; that this also relates to messages given in questions asked yesterday in regard to the changes that are occurring throughout the world, wherein this Awareness discussed certain fascist energies that are in motion at this time. This Awareness indicates that this is a time in which alliances between some of the fascist energies and some of the aliens has shifted; that it is not simply a matter of humans versus aliens; there are some aliens who want alliances with humans and some who don’t, and these are also in some instances seeking alliances with humans, aliens seeking alliances with the fascist elements of humans; other aliens seeking to align themselves with the more Communistic alliance, or that which might be termed the Bolshevik groups.
This Awareness indicates that the alliances being such that it is a kind of struggle in which nothing absolutely clear has occurred, but gradual shifting is making for a possibility that the alien presence can be resolved to allow a human coexistence on this planet, even in spite of the threat of the Draco Reptilians, and in spite of the nature of the more hostile aliens on earth. There is a ray of hope for humans, even though there is a threat to humanity greater than humanity would have imagined. The threat of nuclear war as that which conditioned humanity to accept the potential for oblivion, but many humans would prefer oblivion to enslavement by some of the beings whose attitudes and natures see them as mere playthings or food or experimental guinea pigs. This Awareness indicates there is much that humans can learn from this experience in regard to their own attitude toward animals, guinea pigs, and their own forms of experiments.
This Awareness indicates unfortunately, those who need to learn these lessons most are not likely to have any reason to make such observations and unfortunately too, there are many human cells and parts of consciousness locked into those grotesque creations that are presently entraped in a kind of hellish limbo and cannot get out, because they have been genetically created as a `thing,’ yet their consciousness still remains that of humans. Even if retarded or demented in nature, they still have human consciousness, and these entities continue to suffer. If entities think that this information is shocking and disturbing to their peace of mind, stop for a moment and consider what these beings who are the subject of experiments in the genetic engineering levels such as Nightmare Hall, are going through. This Awareness suggests you should sing praises to the Divine Forces that have protected you and your loved ones, if indeed you have been so fortunate as to have lived a good life, and you should consider the dangers facing younger generations who must grow up in a world so totally different than the world you knew in your youth.
This Awareness indicates that there is still, however, a ray of hope for humanity, whereby great things can come about, wherein the Greys have no sense of emotion, but do indeed desire such, and humans can teach these entities in time through some of these genetic mutations, especially their own hybrid offspring; it is possible that race, which is close to a million years in age, can regain a sense of compassion, a sense of emotion, can redevelop an astral, an emotional body, and can perhaps even develop compassion and love, given examples and given time to do so.
This Awareness indicates that entities need to be most cautious in the coming years, love your neighbors, your children, your family. Cherish them carefully. Watch them. Do not neglect them. Protect them, and be cautious yourself. Your chances are greater, much greater, that you will live a normal healthy and long life than that you would become a victim of alien technology. That would be most rare in terms of percentage. (This Awareness suggests the reading continue).
(READING CONTINUES): “Warning: Fascism is `Corporatism’. We have passed the point of no return, in our interaction with the Alien Beings. We are guaranteed `a crisis’ which will persist until the final Revelation (or conflict). The crisis is here, global and real. We must mitigate or transform the nature of the disasters to come…and come they will. Knowing is half the battle. Read the book, The Cosmic Conspiracy, by Stan Deyo.”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that knowledge is power. By knowing what you know now from this information, you are much more powerful, much more powerful than you were before being so informed. This Awareness indicates in reference to the Stan Deyo information; this book is not available or is very difficult to find. There is some possibility of acquiring this book from certain sources. If this book becomes available, you should, at all costs or at any reasonable cost, acquire the book and read it. It essentially speaks of the planned `rapture’ in which there will be the fake rapture, whereby there will be the appearance of an event, a crisis that will lead humanity into the abyss of a global crisis that could mean great difficulty for all.
There may even be the appearance of the rise of an Antichrist, followed by an invasion of spaceships, which would follow the BOOK OF REVELATION, wherein entities would believe they were being rescued by high spiritual beings, and in face, these could well be the humans using alien craft and introducing alien technology as a One World Government is established. This Awareness indicates that if these events were it take place, prior to 1995, it is likely to be a fake event. It is possible that the Pleiadians could return by 1993.
The Pleiadians’ ships are different from the Greys and their appearance is different. Their symbol is that of a serpent climbing a vine, or a serpent. The Reptilian symbol is that of a dragon. The Grey’s symbol also uses a serpent, this being a cobra. This Awareness indicates that the Stan Deyo book has been suppressed in this country. There is some chance of getting copies from Australia. There are rare copies in the United States. This Awareness indicates that in regard to the corporations as being fascist in nature; that this is in the affirmative.
This Awareness suggests also that you will recall remarks by Dr. Beter that heads of corporations were being replaced by synthetics or robotoids; in other words, replicas of themselves. This Awareness indicates that this as having been part of the alien program in order to assure continued use of such corporations. These entities being replaced are under control, or were under control, of these technologies of the alien and of those who were putting implants into their replicas to control the corporations, according to their general plans. This Awareness indicates there does appear to have been considerable shift in the alliances since that time, and as indicated, even the aliens may be changing alliances, away from their previous Draco masters, in favor of alliances with humans. For this reason there is some degree of hope, particularly if this shift continues. This Awareness indicates the Draco Reptilians do not really need the earth. They have more room than they need to grow and thrive. They simply want the Earth as a kind of strategic point in their battle to conquest the galaxy. It is likened unto your army wanting to take a hill, not because it needs more room, but because it wants the hill to help it have better positioning for better conquest. (This Awareness suggests the reading continue).
(READING CONTINUES): This is the final question in this particular reference. “Some forces, in the government, want the public to be aware of what is happening. Other forces (the collaborators) want to continue making `what ever deals necessary’ for an elite few to survive the conflicts. The future could bring a fascist `World Order’ or a transformation of human consciousness (Awareness). The struggle is NOW…your active assistance is needed. Prepare! We must preserve humanity on Earth.”
COSMIC AWARENESS: What You Can Do About This Alien Situation This Awareness indicates that this is an excellent summary of the situation. There is the potential for a fascist domination by both human and aliens. There is also the potential for a major awakening by the masses on this planet. The preparation that is needed has to do with filling oneself with knowledge of the situation, and giving this knowledge to other. This Awareness indicates that as you can easily see, notifying the government or other such authorities of this problem is like letting the fox know that there’s a fox in the henhouse.
This Awareness indicates that the important thing is to notify the masses, to notify other people. Let them notify still more. Let them notify their preachers, their doctors, the workers on the street, the people in the stores. Let them notify people who are interested, to notify people who make films, who write papers, who spread news, who write articles for magazines, who speak publicly, who have the ability to disseminate information, to people who have access to a copier, to a printing press. Notify these people with sufficient amount of information that they can be fully educated and knowledgeable so that they are not spreading information that is half truth, half distorted, confused. This Awareness indicates that this is how entities can prepare: by preparing each other, by preparing those who are willing to listen. You do not have to force the information. If entities are afraid to hear it, if they have no curiosity, if they do not dare listen, do not force it on them.
This Awareness indicates that as time passes, and these things become more in the news, as UFOs are talked about more, as the advertisements begin to present more information on UFOs, as the movies bring out more UFO stories, as these things begin to happen, people will want to know more. Have extra copies of your material for them. Purchase these books, tapes, study these things that have been released wherein people are risking their lives to get this information to you. Study these things, have copies, purchase extra copies.
The more you purchase, the more you are contributing to the future of humanity. Give these copies, loan these copies, sell these copies; whatever it takes to get the information out. People need to know. Many entities want to know. Do not frighten entities who are already helpless. Do not give it to the old lady who is on her deathbed, or who is afraid to open her drapes at night. It would only frighten her and harm her. Give it to them in doses they can accept. If they cannot accept the full dose, give them something mild until they ask for more. This Awareness indicates it is possible that humanity can survive. The aliens presently on Earth have greater technology than humans and yet they have this fear of humans because of human emotion. It is something they do not understand; and remember to wrap yourself and your loved ones in White Light frequently, especially so when you are out in isolated areas, or when you are monitored and feel vibrations tapping into your consciousness. This Awareness suggests any further questions may be asked at this time or the Interpreter may be brought from trance.
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