(High Praise To Valdamar Valerian)
QUESTION: “We do have a few more questions while we’re on this subject. In the book, now out of print, called THE MATRIX, by Valdamar Valerian, who’s of the Nevada Aerial Research Group, there’s a little additional information I’d like to read, and ask if this information on these entities is also valid.”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness wishes to make a comment here, in regard to the entity Valerian. This Awareness indicates that many entities may wonder: How can a UFO researcher, having a group and putting out a newsletter on UFOs, get so much information and have it accurate or worthwhile? Is it possible that they are simply making up information to print? This Awareness indicates that in some cases, this is so. There are some who start out on a shoe string, read magazines and then put out information. There are many stories in some tabloids that are simply fabricated, made up, but this Awareness indicates there is an enormous amount of UFO information that has been double-checked in different ways. There are many entities in the field of UFO technology, working within the government, working in areas or living in areas near bases, or people who have some relationship with similar entities, and who have some knowledge, many of these entities having spent much of their lifetime studying UFOs or UFO technology or working with government branches that were involved in such, and as these entities reach a certain age or leave their occupation or begin to feel a twinge of guilty conscience about what they perceive as not being the highest and best for the American people, they begin to desire to give this information, to get it out.
These entities often write to groups like the Nevada Aerial Research Group and the entity Valerian; and this entity, just by being there, receives enormous amounts of information from people who have something to tell, whose history and background was deeply involved in this kind of cover-up, and these entities often corroborate each other’s testimony. One can say something; five years later, another report comes in that verifies something that came in before, and these entities in corroborating each other, lend credit, especially if these entities did not know each other or came from different backgrounds and had no similar connection, and the same is so for abductees; wherein the abductee from South America experiences the same thing as an abductee from Europe or Asia or the United States, a pattern begins to emerge and that pattern indicates something real is happening all over the world. This Awareness indicates it is in this manner that information is gathered that tends to indicate a strong validity, even though the information may seem to be out of this world, and even alien to one’s intelligence. (This Awareness suggests the question continue).
QUESTION RESUMES: “Yes. This quoted from the book, THE MATRIX. “Grey Species 2–the Reticulans. This species is the one most commonly thought of as being `Greys’, and is the one popularized in recent books about the subject. This species consists of beings that exists at 3rd, 4th, and 5th density levels. Most of them exist at the 4th density level, which means that they are telepathic in nature. Those existing at the 5th level have no physical bodies but must inhabit what they call “doll bodies,” or android bionic bodies. Connection is sustained with these bodies through chakra points.
Grey Species 2 is a species that functions in a mode that is apparently military in nature, with a rigidly defined social structure that holds science and conquering worlds to be the prime mover. What appear to be officers in this society have a diagonal band running across their uniform. Officers are often 5th density, and sometimes retain what appears to be a toy doll that they exhibit to others around them. It is thought that this functions as a symbol of authority among them.
Grey Species 2 are about four feet high, have heads that are large and black wrap-around eyes. They also have devices that magnify their mental fields in order to maintain control over humans abducted. They can withdraw information from the mental field of the human and use that information to form the basis for mental projections that influence the human to behave in certain ways. Some of these ways include disguising themselves as other humans or other beings in order to gain control over the human being. Mentally, these species function in what might be termed a “group mind.” They do not have individualized consciousness.
This fact is an advantage to humans because the Greys cannot respond adequately to a sudden shift in what they perceive to be happening. They cannot take a “curve ball,” either psychologically or otherwise. Grey Species 2 is a scientifically based society that functions to study other lifeforms. They have had a part to play in alteration of human genetics over thousands of years. They seek to cross-breed with humans to create a mixture-race that will be better than either.” That was the end of that article. Would Awareness comment as to the validity of that information?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that this as generally correct: that there are seven of the Reticuli species or types. These may be termed races or species; that species is perhaps a better term for them. There are also seven types of Reptilians of the Draco civilization. This Awareness indicates that it can become extremely confusing to get into the many detailed levels of the species and behaviors of such; that essentially, this information as correct; that there are other details that can be added or clarified in the information, but that it is not critical or truly essential to do so. This Awareness suggests that any further questions be asked or the Interpreter by brought from trance.
Ed’s Note: For information on Valdamar Valerian and his Nevada Aerial Research Newsletter, please write: P.O. Box 81407, Las Vegas, Nevada 89180. This entity has put together a book in 1988, called “The Matrix: Understanding Aspects of Covert Interaction With Alien Culture, Technology and Planetary Power Structures.” Several hundred copies were printed. The book contained 361 pages of information, including maps and illustrations of alien bases, including their tunnel network.
Called by many UFO researchers, the most detailed information on aliens to date, “The Matrix” was also listed in William Cooper’s material as reputable references. An interesting note, that backs up the information just given by Awareness, that bits and pieces of inform- ation comes in to this entity, and years later is verified by other information. In the last chapter of the `Matrix,’ Valerian included 14 pages of the UFO information released by C.A.C. in 1978 and early `79, which included information on aliens, deros, replicas etc. In the preface to this information,
Valerian stated the following: “COSMIC AWARENESS COMMUNICATIONS” — Generally seen as one of the most esoteric channeled sources, C.A.C. does present some interesting concepts. Some of the data does, in fact, match verified data that we have about the EBEs. A sample of their newsletter follows…” The book, “The Matrix” sold for $60 and is out of print. Hopefully, demand may force a reprinting and perhaps an updating of this informative book, which was published by: Arcturus Book Service, P.O. Box 831383 Stone Mountain, Ga. 30083 Phone: (404) 297-4624 We heartily suggest that if you wish to research UFOs that you write Arcturus Book Service and request their latest catalog of used, hard-to-find books on this subject. New catalogs are updated monthly. This editor has been able to locate quite a few books long out of print, which Awareness has recommended in the past-the works of John Keel, for instance. Arcturus Book Service buys, and sells used books in the UFO and related fields. Get on their mailing list without delay! (Avaton)
In the Book, *THE ARMSTRONG REPORT: THEY NEED US, WE DON’T NEED THEM, by Virgil Armstrong, he suggests: “We know the greatest weakness of these aliens is their lack of spirituality, but what about physical weakness? Surprisingly, the answer has to do with heat. Apparently, they are extremely sensitive to excessive heat and cannot safely sustain degrees beyond 80 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Beyond this would be injurious or fatal. “Although I am a firm believer that we must deal with these ET’s primarily through spiritual means, possibly heat may serve as a deterrent or restraint.
Something to ponder.” Will Awareness comment on that theory? *The Armstrong Report: “They Need Us, We Don’t Need Them,” by Virgil Armstrong, Entheos Publishing, P.O. Box 20174, Village of Oak Creek, Az 86341. Price: $7.95 plus postage. (Also available from C.A.C. although not listed in our Book Catalog sheet.
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that this could be considered as a beneficial weapon in terms of dealing with these entities at certain times, or under certain conditions. Unfortunately, for the entity’s argument, it does not appear to apply to all the aliens. The Reptilians, especially, do not appear to be disturbed by the elements of heat. This Awareness indicates it applies mostly to the Greys from Orion, who tend to gravitate more toward the Northern climates. It is partly for this reason that these entities prefer living under- ground than above ground. Also, they do not like the effect of the sun’s rays, even when the temperature of the atmosphere is cool, the sun’s rays tend to burn them, and this is not to their liking. It also is harmful to their eyes. This Awareness indicates this is fortunate for humans in that these entities tend to leave the surface alone where humans live, except at night, when it is cooler and when there is less light.
(FOLLOW-UP QUESTION): “Those underground levels must be air-conditioned, are they not, because one would think it would be pretty hot down there that far into the earth.”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that this is in the affirmative; that generally these are selected areas, staying away from the more hot locations; these being in areas that tend to be cool, away from magma and volcanic lava and such that exhibits heat.
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