(Excerpts from a C.A.C. General Reading)
May 12, 1990
Question: This information on the alien presence, that has not yet been published: Does Awareness suggest that this take priority over the other more spiritual information, because of the possibility that `window’ could close sooner than expected, or does Awareness see this `window’ remaining open and the alien information being sent out over a period of six months or a year and be balanced with other, less negative, information?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness suggests that the most poignant, most precise, most important information be released first; that the other information may be seen as likened unto the flesh that fills out the skeleton. This Awareness indicates there could come a time wherein this information would be stopped. There could be circumstances that would prevent the release of the information and this information, indeed, does need to be released.
There are many releasing information, but in proportion at this time, less than 1 percent of the population has any inkling of what is really going on, and at least 5 percent should know. This Awareness indicates that probably one person in a thousand,–even fewer at this time,–has ever heard of the information released even by Cooper, or the elements involved in such information. Probably only one in a thousand has ever heard of MJ-12…perhaps even fewer than one in a thousand. It is likely that one in a half million, or quarter of a million, has heard of Nightmare Hall.
This Awareness indicates, of course, this is changing, and more and more are hearing of this. This Awareness indicates that such information could be given to tabloids and immediately, upon publication, these figures would change enormously.
This Awareness indicates a recent tabloid did include information relating to Cooper and to Lazar, and much of the population became aware, but to a very limited degree, since the article was only approximately one-half page in length.
Dr. Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov
Dr. Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov (Photo credit: dbking)

This Awareness indicates that the important thing is that entities share the information with others who have some curiosity. Not to think that they can force C.A.C. to prove this information by bringing it to the authorities of their state or federal government or agencies, but to search for themselves, to see if this is accurate. If you have questions or doubts about the accuracy of this information, go out and become a researcher for yourself. Or, if you don’t wish to do so, toss the paper into the garbage can and forget it. There are some entities who seem to think that if they hear something that offends them, they should turn it over to an authority and make the authority check out the source to see if it’s true.

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This Awareness indicates that It is giving you the sources, so that you can check them for yourself. If you do not like the information, close your ears, cease your publication, stop your subscription, or don’t bother to read it. If you want to be aware, if you want knowledge, if you want truth, you have to be open to hearing even things you don’t really like to hear.
This Awareness indicates that this information isn’t for everyone; it is for the courageous, it is for the strong, it is for the daring, it is for those who dare to be aware.
This Awareness indicates that it is not the responsibility of C.A.C. to check the validity of all of this information, it is simply passing along information. It is giving you the sources, so that you can check the validity.
This Awareness indicates that in checking the validity, you don’t go to the people who are unaware, and you don’t check on a whistle-blower by going to the one who’s had the whistle blown against them. Thus, if Karen Silkwood blows the whistle on some nuclear plant, or group of people who are causing some environmental hazards, you don’t go and ask those in charge of the creation of the hazards whether Karen Silkwood has her facts straight. You don’t ask the fox in the henhouse if it has seen a fox in the henhouse.
This Awareness indicates that unless entities understand the nature and purpose of this communication, to give them enough information that they may search further for themselves if they so desire—and there have been many over the years who have desired.– in fact, almost demanded,–information about UFO’s. If the information is given, and entities do not like the information, that is their problem. They simply can ignore the information. You do not have to attempt to rewrite the information. If you do not like the story War of the Worlds, turn off your radio; don’t expect to be able to rewrite the script.
This Awareness indicates that there are many who have demanded and requested for over a decade that this Awareness gives information relating to the UFO phenomenon. Such information would have likely resulted in the death of the individuals herein present had It given information previously. It is only recently that even the higher authorities have become aware of the activities of the aliens in regard to some of these atrocities, to the point where they have had enough dissension within their own ranks to debate whether to let the public know. It is only recently that a few involved in the inner circles of knowers,–having knowledge about UFO’s,–have had the courage to release information in spite of death threats, in spite of knowing that others have been killed for far less.
This Awareness indicates that with this reality, with this opportunity, this window that has suddenly opened, you who have received the information from these entities and comments on this from this Awareness, you are likened unto an elite, privileged few. The chances of having such information is so remote,–less than one in a million, or one in 50 million people at this time, know what you know. This Awareness suggests you do not expect too much, and that you help in the dissemination of such information; but that you do it in a way that is appropriate.
This Awareness indicates that you not endanger yourself, that you now endanger others in the way you disseminate the information.

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