(C.A.C. General Reading, May 11, 1990)
QUESTION: Awareness, we’re here tonight for a general C.A.C. reading, with questions sent in by the membership. Does Awareness have an opening message?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness suggests that entities may take precautions in regard to protecting themselves in the following manner. (This is in reference to those times in which an entity may feel the effect of a monitoring device, or that which appears to be a monitoring energy and they feel or hear in their ear, or feel around their head, which occurs from time to time with some entities; that in many cases, not all, but in many cases, this monitoring is done from alien technology).
How the Aliens Select Victims for Abduction
This Awareness indicates that one may ask: How do the aliens select people whom they are to abduct? This Awareness indicates that they select these entities from vibrations in the brainwave pattern that they seek for their particular interest or needs; that the selection of a particular type may vary from time to time and depending on what their purposes are, they may select a person at one time which they would have overlooked at a different time.
This Awareness indicates that it is possible to avoid those brainwave patterns that aliens would seek in their selection process by wrapping oneself in White Light.
This Awareness suggests that in the first place, the least likely person an alien would seek would be one whose brainwave pattern indicates a socially strong individualistic entity. When you have a strong identification, knowing who in fact you really are, and have a strong connection with the spiritual essence of the highest, without much fear and without being easily swayed or easily influenced, you are less likely to become a candidate for abduction.
The more vulnerable and easily influenced you are, the more gullible you are, the more naive you are and the more distraught your thinking may be, the more you will tend to fit into the types of candidates that are usually abducted.
This Awareness indicates that having a strong will also is a negative for aliens in regard to abduction. Also, aliens do not, if they are involved in wishing to use glandular substances or eat the entity, they do not like the effects of chocolate, coffee, cigarettes, or sugar or other types of addictive type foods and drugs in the system. They prefer, this especially in regard to the reptilials; they prefer the more pure essences without toxins. That this might be argued as a plus for these vices.
This Awareness indicates on the other hand, the use of drugs and alcohol can be the very thing that would distort a person’s thinking to make them more likely to be a candidate for abduction, for other purposes. The best protection one can have for oneself during the time of monitoring, because the monitoring process is designed to read these brain vibrations; the best protection is to wrap yourself in White Light, visualize the highest frequencies of Divinity coming down over you from the Divine Being Itself.
Thus, you can call on the High Self, call on the Christ, call on God, call on anything that you see as being the Highest and Best. If you are in to Buddhism, call on Buddha. If you are in to any of the other religions, call on the highest divinity that you can call on, and see this entity covering you with a shower of Light, wrapping you with Divine Light energy while this monitoring is in process. It will sufficiently block the readings of the aliens if indeed they are the forces monitoring you.
This Awareness indicates that this is a psychological defense that you may use in regard to the psychoelectronic monitoring that aliens frequently do in their hunting process. This Awareness indicates the term generally used is the `harvesting’ process. They see this action as a kind of harvesting.
(Follow-up Question): Vikki When I sensed that sound in my head, I automatically, almost like a reflex, repeated the Law of Love. Does this afford protection, or should I change?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This can be beneficial. It can help to say the Law of Love. It is better to visualize the Light energy coming down over you. If you can incorporate the two without losing the visionary image of the White Light coming down so that you’re saying the Law of Love at the same time, you are clearly visualizing this love being showered over you, it can be even more effective.
Related:  1998: The Dulce, New Mexico base.

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